{Chapter 1} Rainfall

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<Pov Asher>

I counted each raindrop splash against the roof from the comfort of my bed,  leaning closer to the window.  I could barely see the street below, a thin layer of water running down into the sewage grates. 

"It's been raining a lot lately, huh?" A monotone voice speaks up from behind me, shifting my body to face the figure in the doorway.

"Yeah, it sucks to be stuck inside all week." Slumping against the wall that my bed was pressed against

"Asher, you don't even go outside," She retorted

"I know Leanna BUT it's still nice to have a choice!" Throwing my hands up in frustration, she shrugs in response to my outburst. I hear a little click and suddenly I'm temporarily blinded by light, hurriedly covering my face from the sudden and unforgiving onslaught of light on my eyes.

"Stop being over dramatic, it's just light," Leanna sighed, she's been dealing with my antics since childhood well she is one of my siblings after all. I rub my eyes in hopes that they'll adjust to the light faster, blinking a couple times. My vision starts to return slowly though everything is still blurry, in the corner of my eye I see Leanna extend her hand towards me

"What are you doing?" I asked

"Handing you, your glasses?"

"Ah! yes yes yes, thank you oh great lord!" I nodded vigorously, snatching the glasses out of her hand like the gremlin I am. Now I can clearly see my surroundings to the posters on the wall, my desk that hasn't been cleaned for three weeks now, the paper scattered around the floor and Leanna's very clearly unamused face.

"Come on, May might eat both ou-" rushing past my sister before she could finish and out the door, down the hall, stumbling down the stairs of the house, sliding into the kitchen wall and ending up on the cold tiled floor

"Sheiße," I mumble under my breath before hearing stifled giggles.

"Oh my god-" The stifled laughter soon turned into roaring laughter accompanied by something repeatedly hitting a counter "They fell for it! Asher actually fell for it!"

Picking myself up off the floor, standing on my own two feet again. I snap my gaze towards the two girls over the counter still laughing their asses off. One of them repeatedly hitting the counter top and the other one covering her mouth with her hand or at least trying to. At least my sister is trying to hide it unlike my housemate. 

"Venus did you get that on video?" Leanna's voice comes from indoor balcony.

"I got the whooolee thing!" The dark skin girl screeches waving her phone around, Leanna comes down into the kitchen greeting me with a smirk and giving our sister Kanin a pat on the back for a job well done. I really should've known this was a prank like May doesn't even wake up this early!

"I should've known something was up, when you came in my room for no reason." I voiced my thoughts to the trio

"I didn't think you'd fall for it." Kanin speaks up

"Well, sad to say Kanin. Your older sibling is an idiot" Venus says, Kanin was about to open say something before

"She's not wrong" Me and Leanna chime in on unison. Looking at each other for a few seconds, we both nod in solidarity of me being a dumbass. Truly a beautiful sibling relationship we have going on here

"Why is it so loud this early, some of us are trying to sleep here!" A fog horn scream echos down from the 2nd floor. All four of us poke our heads out of the kitchen, I guess we woke May up and Grey to boot! were we really that loud?

"You guys better have breakfast ready down there," Grey speaks, I let out a nervous laugh while Kanin shakes her head which causes her black hair to swat my face multiple times.

"Nah" Leanna gives a flat and simple reply before walking away to the fridge. Look at how my baby sister isn't giving a shit and eating May's pudding! I shouldn't be proud of her for that but it's free entertainment so you won't hear me complaining.

"You guys want to order some boba?" Venus asks

"I don't think they'll deliver, the streets are practical flooded from the nonstop rain" Kanin gestures to the window, rain still pouring like a rain of bullets like the day before and the day before that. It's been raining for months now with it stopping only once every two months or so, twitter is freaking out, people are getting bored out of their minds. No like really bored! One story I follow which hasn't been updated in 5 years has 6 new chapters!

"Asher! do you want pancakes or not?!" Venus' shout pierced my mind like a hot skewer through pig fat

"Uh Uh.... Yeah yeah sure!" I yell back, making my way to the table, Kanin takes the seat across from mine. Someone must of scrubbed down the table because I can see my own reflection, damn my hair looks near identical to a bird's nest dosed in oil and no my hair is not oily it's the colour of oil.

"Since we've been cooped up in the house for so long, do you want to mess around out back?" Kanin softly suggested, She's got a point and I would normally agree but

"I don't think that's a good idea" I should but my foot down. I'm sure Kanin stays up to date on the news, right?

"Why?" she tilts her head to the side. I shake my head, she doesn't keep up with the news

[Word count: 956]

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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