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Art cover by : Hana_HanaC (Twitter)


It was an unusual quiet day in Yokohama. The orange sky started to have a tint of purple color as the current Boss of the Port Mafia walk down the city harbor, violet eyes locked into the vast horizon as he let his feet lead him towards his destination. His signature long red scarf wrapped neatly around his neck, accompanied by a casual brown coat and simple black trouser. Today is one of the rarest occasion where he chose not to wear his undercover surgeon nor his Port Mafia attire. He shaved his stubble and his jet black hair was tied into a small pony tail, Elise was nowhere to be found near him.

Let there only be God and him who knows about today

That is, if there's such thing to be called 'God'.

It felt like forever to Mori walking down the harbor, passing the tall buildings of Yokohama towering adorn the evening sky. His feet finally stopped. Violet eyes wandered to his surroundings, intending to find one certain name among hundreds of other tombstones. He can feel his breath stifled for a split second the moment he found what he's looking for, more because of the presence of someone which is a bit much he had predicted to encounter the moment he decided to visit this place. Mori took a deep breath as he finally made his way towards the familiar man.



"How are you doing?" Natsume Soseki greeted him before Mori could.

"Never been better." Mori replied almost in an instant and stood beside Natsume, facing the name engraved stone. He let out a small chuckle as his signature smirk finally made its way up to his face. "Out of all people, I never thought I would get to meet you in this place, Natsume-sensei."

The older man smiled, "Well sometimes coincidence works in a very unique way, isn't it?"

Mori sighed before his attention went back towards the name in front of him. There was a short silence between the two as they invoke their prayer, they both know each other so well they didn't even need the other's permission in doing so. Same thing goes between Fukuzawa and Mori, they don't actually need to exchange words in order to know what the other is thinking. As he finished, Mori eyed Natsume from the corner of his eyes. The man stayed silent, brown eyes stared emptily to the tombstone. The raven haired man didn't say a word, in fact he waited for his mentor to start the first move out of respect. That is one privilege Natsume Soseki has above the most feared mafia leader in Yokohama.

"Such a shame... he was a good man." He finally said which made Mori's jaw tightened. His gloved hand fidgeting inside his pocket, rubbing his scalpel to ease the uneasy feeling that rose inside of him.





"Natsume-sensei... Do you think I've made a mistake?"





That one line was enough to make Natsume look up to Mori, eyebrows slightly raised in genuine surprise.

"It's really not like you. To ask my opinion regarding your past decisions."

"Just answer me. Please."

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