The Accident

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It was a normal day in Wildale, PA. Nothing special. Alex Watt had just said bye to his mom, and was walking down to his bus stop. He met up with his best friend Jack Thompson and Jack's fraternal twin sister Kaitlyn. He got on the bus. And since the ride was long, he put on his Nostalgia Mix playlist on YouTube Music. He was listening to Owl City's Fireflies, but started hearing this out of key baseline. Seemingly an F note. But the pitch started shifting, it went up C, another out of key note. And then, when the chorus started, THUD. He, at first, thought this was just a heavy kick drum. But then he heard screaming and slammed his head.

He awoke to sirens. Kaitlyn was standing over him.

"Alex, are you all right!" she shouted, making his ears ring, realizing his uncomfortable nature she lowered her voice, "I, um, thought that you would want to know whats going on."

"Obviously, after you pass out, you definitely wouldn't want to know what happened." Alex said sarcastically, "No durr I wanna know!"

"The bus crashed, sort of... And you don't have to get all grouchy." Kaitlyn barked, "I'm trying to make you feel better."

"That's what she said..." Alex said smirking at her.

Kaitlyn looked about ready to shoot him, but he could tell she thought joke was funny, "Dirty minded."

"It's how I, uh, um... cope, I guess." He mumbled, but then he shot up, almost knocking Kaitlyn off of the seat, "What happened to Jack? What happened to your left arm?"

"My arm got cut. The EMT said I might have a scar." Kaitlyn said glancing at her cut, "Jack's fine. He hit face on the seat in front of him, he's lucky he didn't break his nose, but he did have a black eye. I was worried about you, you were knocked unconscious... And your left arm is cut too... We got to get you first aid!" 

Kaitlyn helped Alex out of the bus. The bus driver was screaming at the first responders about some big blue light flash. Alex saw Jack and tried to hobble over to him, but fell. Kaitlyn helped him up and for a second Alex felt a tingling sensation and felt warm.

Alex was given first aid and taken to Wildale Hospital. He only had the pretty deep cut on his arm and he hit his head pretty hard and had a minor concussion. He was told if he gets a headache to just take Aspirin and to stay home from school for the rest of the week. He left the hospital pretty dazed, but moved on. He went home with his mom, and just went back to sleep hoping to figure out what happened.


Alex woke up the next day and it was as if he was exploring catacombs, he was just scanning his thoughts. He thought about the crash, and every time he looked outside and saw to cars pass each other he was stressed. He thought about Kaitlyn and how she had, in a weird way, comforted him. He tried to picture Jack with a black eye. But he thought the most about the blue light the bus driver saw. At the time he hadn't cared, but now he regretted not asking about it.

He got up threw on a mix-matched outfit. Green shirt, blue pants with orange stripes, and two different colored socks. He didn't comb his hair either. He looked slightly deranged and discombobulated. He sat down at the dining room table and his mom handed him a bowl of Frosted Mini-Wheats.

"So... Alex... I was wondering if you'd want to have me drive you to school for the rest of the year?" Mrs. Watt said, voice cracking and weakly smiling. She looked as though she knew what Alex's answer was, already.

"Mom, I told you. NO! " Alex grunted, the annoyance in his face flooded out in his speech, "The bus crashed for the first time ever. It probably won't happen again."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2020 ⏰

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