Lover stays the night

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Yuu's POV

"So I heard you staying the night with us huh Touko?" "Yeah but I'm kinda worried about something"  Touko replies as she lightly blushes
"Having lewd thoughts are you?" I say with a slight smirk " We'll um not exactly I'm mean kinda but like-" I  cut of Touko " just admit it already." "Ok fine yes" "heh right again!"I smile and point my thumb to my chest " Yuu I need to tell you something" "what is it Touko?" She replies
"Well um I don't think I will be able to hold back tonight. even just the thought of sleeping with you really turns me on." Touko blushes " Honestly Touko I don't really mind. I've told you this before and I'll say it again, I honestly kinda enjoy when you kiss me so I don't really have a problem with that, all I have to ask you is is that please don't be to obvious I think my sisters starting to catch on to us". "Well then I think I can manage with that I guess" Touko smiles "good then I think we're set, Oh look were already at the bookstore let's go" I say as I enter. Rai looks up from placing the books and see us " Ooo brang back your girlfriend I see?" She says with a smirk "She not my girlfriend" I say in a annoyed voice I hold Touko's hand tightly and rush up stairs "Finally we're here..." I say with a sigh, "Touko your face is red are you hot or something? Ugh please don't tell me your already horny" Touko sutters  W-Well it's kinda overwhelming being in your crushes bedroom and being able to send the night with you and sleep with you an- I end her rant "having lewd thoughts already I see?  I whisper in her ear and kiss her shit usually shes the one who starts I back away But she's grabs me and whispers quietly in my ear "oh were not done yet... " she kisses me and grabs my ass and I can't help but let out a gasp of excitement and moan Noticing Touko says "does it turn you on when I touch you?" She saying whispering in my ears I shyly respond with a quiet "y- yes it felt quite good actually" she slowly takes of my shirt and starts to kiss my whole entire body, she pushes me to the bed and kisses me, her lips taste amazing my eyes open wide and I let out a loud moan. I take off  Touko's shirt and kiss her As bite her lower lip as my hands begin to explore her body she let's out a loud moan. my eyes widened and I smile I can't help but out a soft moan  Does it turn you on when I make those noises and kiss you? she says I tell her "yes senpai now let me see how those lips taste" I kiss her her mouth is warm and as she explores my body i try to hold a loud moan but I can't the moan escapes from my my mouth  "wow Yuu I must really be getting into you.."  i change the subject and say "ok senpai now it's my turn to make you feel good" as soon as I start to kiss her mom calls " TIME FOR DINNER" she calls from downstairs both of our faces turn red as we quickly put our clothes back on and head down stairs, Touko's face seems to be perfectly normal by the time we got down but mine was still furiously raging with red  "Ooo Yuu your face is red we're you kissing your girlfriend?" Rai teases "No and stop teasing me about it" I reply in a stern voice yet blushing a bit Harder Rai noticing the blush getting redder "Oooo your blushing a little bit harder now tell me come on tell me I want all the details..." Not now Plus I wasn't even kissing her so stop" "well when your princess leaves I wanna hear all about it."
By this point Touko's face is back to being furiously red and Rai definitely has noticed by now. Touko grabs my by my hand and takes me up to my room and she shoves my in the bed "Sorry princess but I'm not done with you"she closes the door and takes off her shirt and mine she kisses me and her mouth is warm it's almost soothing in a way. I slowly take off her bra as she does mine still kissing I can't help but let out a loud moan " You know Touko I think for the first time ever.. I- I think I'm feeling the fireworks I grab her naked ass and kiss her once again I can feel her hands exploring my body as she grabs my vagina Tightly and let out A Loud moan almost as loud as a scream "oh Touko" I whisper in hear ear she kisses me midway thought the kiss Rai walks in "Hey Yuu I brang back your charg- WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU GUYS DOING IN HERE IS THIS THE REASON WHY YOU WANTED HERE TO SLEEPOVER. JUST SO YOU COULD MAKEOUT?" "I Scream YOU REALLY NEEDED TO GIVE ME MY CHARGER NOW??" "HOW THE HELL WAS I SUPPOSED TO KNOW YOU GUYS WERE MAKING OUT?" "CAN WE TALK ABOUT THIS LATER?" I say "FINE BUT LOCK THE DAMN DOOR NEXT TIME" She says as she slams the door shut and walks out "sorry you had to hear that Touko, you know it's getting pretty late maybe we should start to get ready to go bed.. yeah we should probably put some clothes on too" I say getting out of the bed I'm butt naked and I can tell Touko's wanting staring but feeling hesitant about the idea I say " don't worry you perv you can look" I say smirking while putting on my Shirt. Touko blushes and continues to look I say "ok now your turn put on your clothes and let's head to the living room" I say "YUU!" Rai screams from her room "WHAT?!" "COME ON WE MADE A DEAL AT DINNER REMEMBER? COME TO MY ROOM" ugh I forgot that I told Rai that I would tell her what we were doing, ugh this is going to suck. "Wait here Touko I'll be back" I say winking at here I close the door and head to Rai's room " Ok SPILLLLL what did you in there tell me.." "Fine fine I'll tell you ok?" I say instantly regretting it. "ok then start I wanna here all about it..." "you saw for yourself do I have to go any deeper?" I say slightly annoyed so are you guys actually dating yet" Rai asks "w- well it's not a official plus her parents are homophobic so I don't think that's gonna happen for a long time" I say
"Did you enjoy it I could hear you moaning from my room so I'm pretty sure you like the girl a lot it sounded like you were screaming practically. I'm surprised mom didn't come check on you too" Rai says teasingly
"I mean she's pretty cute and all but-I" "Ok"she's says "let's get serious how did she taste"Rai asked while teasing me what do her lips taste like?.. I stutter "I- I- Can't s-say I mean just n-no" "sounds like your pretty serious for her come it's just your sister you can trust me?" "Ugh fine" I say as I give in to her "her lips hmmm kinda like if you melted marshmallows and strawberry lipgloss together but in a good way, her hair's silky smooth and soft to touch everytime I see her I wish wanna pin her down and kiss her,and her long eyelashes oh don't get me started in those.. "Oh Touko" "woah you you and Touko are pretty serious about this huh considering you just said you wanna pin her to a wall and makeout dam Yuu Who knew you could be so freaky not gonna lie I'm excited for this" Rai teases "hey it's not that bad I mean she's hot and everything but I- " Rai stops me "Yuu be honest with yourself there's not one sentence without mentioning your name. Even just you hearing her voice turns you on it's really obvious you get excited when you hear she's coming over you smile everytime she sends you a text,I've seen you holding back to grab her thigh at the movies. Plus back the I only asked a question and you came out with a full paragraph Yours eyes open every time someone says her name. Ive seen you check her out more times then I can count.just say it, You Love her Yuu you really have feelings for this girl come on it's not even hard to say." "Fine fine I like her you got what you want? I say "Almost done Ok?" Rai replies "I know you guys were making out but this is my main question. What was going on though your Mind the whole time and what we're you doing when I wasn't there?" I sutter " I- I can't say that um that would um-'' Rai stops me "Come on its me I'm your sister it's not like I'm gonna tell everyone I know?" "Ugh" I grunt "fine I'll tell you but you promise you won't tell anyone under any circumstances you'll tell them ok?" "Ok SPILLLL!"Rai squeals excitedly Ok ok so it started out as small talk and then Touko started getting horny."I blush I kissed her and pulled away because she's usually the one who starts things as I pull away she's grabs be and says Oh we're not done yet and kisses me and then um she um... grabs me by the ass and I let out a gasp of excitement and moan then I kiss her back and- Realizing what I just said I say "um can we end this here? I say quietly Rai can barley hear it "fine... Not gonna lie that Touko girl your dating is pretty hot" Rai Blushes "WAIT ARE YOU BI OR SOMETHING?"I say "um Yeah I thought since your a lesbian maybe you wouldn't tell mom"
Rai blushes "Ugh this is too much I'm going to bed" I walk out of the room and head to mine were  I'm greeted with Touko patiently waiting for me "So what did she want?" Touko says slightly concerned "it's nothing... anyways I think we should get ready for bed it's 11:30 put on your pajamas" I say Touko Nods her head and takes off her shirt off o try not to stare but I can't help and look straight at her get undressed and blush "so who's the perv now huh?" Touko laughs and leans in for a Kiss. I wrap my hands around her body and kiss her I don't let myself go any farther and stop myself there and switch up the topic "H-hey we should be getting ready for bed. heh..." Touko backs away and gets all awkward on me and backs away a- Um ok I think we should go to bed now, Hey Touko did you bring your sleeping bag?" "Well I did but um I wanted to sleep with you.... l-l- Like in the same bed" she replies blushes heavily " I was hoping you would say that" I grin, Touko eyes open wide.
"Hey don't get too crazy I mean we can cuddle and stuff but not like full on make out plus we don't need anyone to run in on us again" I can see the disappointment on Touko's face as she scan ms my body and grasp her fist when looking at my boobs I notice and say "How the hell are you admiring my boobs? I'm literally like the flattest girl in the school." Touko blushes and looks away I Reply saying no it's fine Touko if your checking me out I kinda enjoy it you can keep looking I was just teasing you." I sit down on the twin sized bed and let out a sigh of exhaustment. "Wow Yuu your really worn out and we barley even made out" Touko teases "ugh your so annoying" I replied
"Hey Touko?" I ask "C- can we cuddle..?" "Of course she replies pushes me on the bed as she wraps her hands around my body and gets comfy she holds me tight and pecks my cheek "this is what you wanted right?" She whispers inside my ear (citrus vibes for anyone who's watch/read it lol little bonus) I blush
And hold Touko ever tighter then I already am Touko gives me one last kiss before I slowly... but surely... fall... asleep

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⏰ Last updated: May 23, 2020 ⏰

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