Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Look Michael, it's snowing!" I stared dreamily up into the sky, watching all the billions of snowflakes whirling down and melting on my face. The ground was already covered with a thin white layer, and my steps were soundless and soft as I twirled slowly around in the snow, looking up all the time. The movement made me dizzy, and I slipped and fell.

        Laughing, red faced and full of snow; I sat up and was just about to throw a snowball at Michael when I saw that he wasn't here anymore. Squinting through the falling snow, I saw a grey silhouette standing with his back to me. As I walked closer, I recognized Michael by his fancy leather coat and black hair.

       "Something wrong?" I asked carefully, putting a hand on his shoulder. He didn't answer, but as soon as he met my gaze I knew what was coming.

       "It's over, Lucy. We can't be together anymore." His voice was so cold I could feel a freezing feeling run down my spine. I wanted to speak, to change his mind and tell him how much I loved him and that he couldn't leave me - but my voice caught in my throat. I stood as frozen, my mouth slightly open and tears filling my eyes.

       As he turned around and started walking away from me, I suddenly found my voice. "Wait, Michael! Please," I cried, stumbling after him as the tears ran like ice down my cheeks. The white mist of falling snow swallowed him, making him a grey silhouette once more. I tried to run, but my feet were clumsy and cold, and I stumbled and fell on my hand and knees. My shoulders were shaking, and new tears ran over the ones already frozen on my cheeks. This couldn't be real... Michael couldn't  leave me, after all the years we had been together! He couldn't break my heart like this.

       I got to my feet once more and cried out his name, my voice breaking. I didn't think, I just started running after him - or at least in the direction I thought he was. My feet were crashing through the snow, my face hot against the cold air, and my vision blurry from the tears. I couldn't breathe - the air caught in my throat and I started coughing. My heart beat so hard and fast it was hurting, like someone was using my chest as an anvil.

       Before I lost consciousness, I could hear my own heart stopping. 



I pulled my jacket tighter around me, as the freezing wind tried to sneak into it. I was glad I'd chosen my warm, woolen blue jacket instead of my thinner but cooler ones. The snow was still falling, a thick white mist that caught in my hair and melted on my eyelashes.

       The world was silent except the soft crunching sound my feet made as they hit the snow. Tilting my head upwards, I enjoyed the feeling of cold snow on my face. I loved the winter, the whiteness, the cold. I often went walking like this, just strolling around in a white, untouched world.

       A dark shape was lying on the ground about ten meters away. The snow made it difficult to see, but I guessed it was a dog or something like that. It wasn't moving. Maybe a rubbish bag? Or a... girl?

       I went to my knees beside her. Yes, a girl. What had happened to her? She wasn't breathing, I found with shock as I leaned closer. I pulled of her glove and tried to find a pulse - but her skin was cold as ice and I could feel no heartbeat.

       Panic started taking hold of me. I didn't know this girl, but I felt she was my responsibility. Her life - if it wasn't already too late - was in my hands.

       She hadn't been lying here for long, since the snow hadn't covered her. But it could still be long enough. Her full lips were blue, and her round, heart-shaped face pale. As I flipped open my phone and started dialing the emergency number, I pulled her limp body to mine, trying to warm her. She looked dead already. Was it hopeless?


Please comment!! How is the writing? The characters? Too short chapter? Say anything;)

It will get better, more exciting and yes - more romantic after a while, but I wont write more if no one reads or comments...

>>>>>This book is based on a story made in cooperation with my best friend MoonLessWolf(check her out!)<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

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