Chapter 3 : Staying calm

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Everyone sat down on a dining table waiting for dinner, While Fire pea was beginning to cook the flesh he had a little trouble trying to get the organs out. Sunflower walked to check fire pea to see how he's doing.

Sunflower: ''Hey fire pea um, you doing okay there?''

Fire pea:''Yeah, i'm just trying to figure out how to get the organs out?''

Sunflower handed over her kitchen knife she found to fire pea.

Sunflower:''Here, this will help''

Fire pea:''oh ok, thanks!''he smiled at sunflower,''So sun, what actually happened out there?''

Sunflower:''it's a long story but i didn't know some zombies could run''

Fire pea:''hm.. That's new''

Sunflower:''Come on, let's get those organs out''

Fire pea cut open a deer's stomach part and they saw many organs, a deer's stomach, heart, lungs, liver and intestines, They grabbed each organ out one by one.

Sunflower:''ugh.. gross!'' she pulled the intestines out.

Fire pea:''Yeah i know, but we only need to wash the blood off now''

Sunflower:*Looks at hands*''Looks like i'm gonna need to wash my hands again''

*an hour later after washing the blood off and cooking it*

Sunflower:''Whoa, don't you think a whole deer would be too much for all of us?''

Fire pea:''I don't know maybe and also by the way here's your knife back''he thanked sun for letting him borrowing a knife.

Sunflower:''No problem and i think about half of it's body would be enough for all of us'''

Sunflower helps fire pea bring a cooked half body of a deer to the dining table

Peashooter:''whoa guys that's a little too much don't you think?''

Sunflower:''We can just keep it for leftovers if we can't finish it all''

The cooked half body was enough for everyone and they were chatting while eating.

Dusk:''So snow pea, do you think you can beat 6 zombies on your own?''

Snow pea:''What?..No'' he laughed.

Peashooter:*looks at sunflower*''Hey, you doing okay?''

Sunflower:''Yeah i'm fine it's just.......''*she's starting to look sad*''If those group attack us, what am i suppose to do to keep puff safe?''

Peashooter:''Look sun i know you're worried and scared but if we stay calm about this everything will be okay and when they tried to attack us we can easily think of a plan how to stop them''

Sunflower:''okay i'll try to stay calm as i can''


Peashooter:''he looks really tired, maybe he should get some sleep''

Sunflower:''ok, come on puff let's get you some rest''

Sunflower brings puff to her room for him to sleep, puff was sitting on the bed ready to sleep.

Puff:''hey sun, do you think we're gonna be okay?''*he looked at sunflower scared*

Sunflower:''of course, you don't worry about it, you know what to do when you're scared''

Puff:''uh... f*ck off fear!''

Sunflower:''haha.. well yeah that could work just don't feel scared, alright?''she laughed

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