2 | Raconteur

660 16 4


You sat in the café, sipping your coffee with a book in your other hand. Letting out a content sigh as the steam rose from your cup; you marked your page and closed your book, choosing to stare outside the window for a bit.

You were supposed to be studying for your upcoming test, but had chosen to read in favour of studying. As you stared outside, you heard the chair in front of you scrape backwards and watched as a person sat down.

You were captivated by his stare on you, his amber eyes held hidden emotions as he smiled at you. You were slightly cautious of him, I mean, who wouldn't be if a guy came up to you out of the blue and just sat down in front of you, smiling.

"Hi, this may seem out of the blue but I couldn't help notice you sitting here by yourself and decided to give you some company." He explained, turned slightly pink as he realised how random he must have been.

"Um, it's fine, I was just a bit cautious of you." You replied, still not fully letting down your guard. You set down your cup of coffee before turning to grasp your book; you didn't really care if it came off as rude.

The man in front of you gasped in delight as he saw the book that you were reading. You glanced up at him, one brow lifted as you were confused as to his reaction.

"You read my books? I am so honoured!" He exclaimed his face lighting up like a child on Christmas. Your brows knitted together in utter confusion before taking a better look at the man. Your eyes widened in shock as you realised he was the author of the book you owned, along with many others.

"You're Adrian Grayson! I love all your books, they are written in so much detail, as if you were part of the whole situation. I personally love your book 'To die a murderer'. You really captured the murderer's true thoughts, characteristics and actions so well, it brought me in."

Your face flushed in joy as your eyes reflected nothing but respect for the man in front of you. Adrian chuckled at your response, also turning a soft shade of pink. He ran his hand through his black messy hair smiling at you sheepishly.

"Thank you for that. It's reassuring that people find them interesting. " He smiled, playing with the sleeves of his sweater.

You smiled at him softly. He was harmless and you had finally let down your guard. You were about to say something again when you took notice of the time on the clock.

"I'm sorry to have to cut this short but I have to go. I wasn't aware of the time. It was a pleasure meeting you Mr Grayson." You said going to pick up your book and bag before a hand grabbed your own.

Surprised, you turned to look at the owner of the hand. Adrian held a panicked look in his eyes before swiftly masking it with another emotion.

"This might seem out of the blue but would you like to go on a date with me? I would love to get to know you more, and please just call me Adrian." He asked, not letting go of your hand.

"I'm sorry but I don't think I have time for such pleasantries. I am flattered, don't get the wrong idea but I have a bit too much on my plate to try and fit that in as well." You truly felt bad about having to decline but you couldn't risk losing your scholarship for dinner with a stranger.

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