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Author:  YoungWoo17
Description:  10 out of infinite letters proving how much C loves B
Review: Oh my God!!!!!! This fic was sooooo nice and now it's finished!!😭😭 It happens just once in a while that you find a fic so beautiful that it makes your heart skip a beat with every sentence. It's not healthy to lose so many beats you see;). But this fic was soooo good and warm and fluffy that I can't just get enough of it. The way Chanyeol shows his love to Baekhyun at every possible step is so heart warming that I don't think I'll be able to recover from this. A love so beautiful is so rare to find and so rare to pen down but the author has done such a nice job in making us feel both that it's downright illegal how they managed to steal my heart with this fic. You're just losing your dose of at most happiness if you're not reading this!!!❤❤❤❤❤    
Rating: 10/10

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