part 2

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Lunch is like swimming with sharks in idahofalls high... u even look at the wrong seat you could get rejected...

"well jordan what is the harm in that?"
you say?

Well there is a group of cheerleaders that just wait for people to get rejected, because then they figured out that they can spread rumors about that person and noone would even care.. so it is a war zone. Who ever gets their lunch first gets to sit at their own table with no hard feelings. And when I said cheerleaders I meant launas girlfriend Teresa is there too... and when launa got rejected this one time teresa let her little friends laugh point and rumor away like she was nothing. Launa cant see what teresa is actually like she just says things like
"Guys it's fine she just was scared to get kicked off the cheer squad"


"Guys she just doesn't like hanging out with me at lunch because she feels uncomfortable meeting you guys"

Which makes no sence.... if she can spread rumors about her girlfriend then how is it so hard for her to say hi for ONCE!? But she will see someday that Teresa is an awful person. We just love her and always want the best. I have been single since last year. I went through a rough breakup with a totally awfull ex boyfriend. Who ran away from his home. But the good thing is he is gone for a while since he is 18 now.

I walked towards the lunch table and ate lunch with my friends, and giggled about all the stupid things we thought were funny. We all took a walk on the track and i looked over and there he was, Warren. Warren shaw. He is a bad ass guy that everyone wants to be with..he has dark brown hair it's long and splits down the middle but still pulled back at the same time all sexy like. If I could freeze time I would walk up and stare into his tosted dark brown eyes. Stare at his chiseled arms and chest. He is just put together like a angel built in hell. He looks innocent with a bit of anger. not enough to scare me off but enough to draw me in with interest and passion.

I didnt notice how long I stared at him as we started to get further I realized my neck was PRACTICALLY turned backwards.

"What you looking at sweetheart, is there something on my face?"

He said with his hand out openly and blunt in between his fingers, blowing out the smoke with each word.

I turned back and my friends were staring, after we got further away they started laughing and poking at me. My cheeks turned rosey. The bell rang and we started running towards the back entrance. I had no idea why they were running but I new why I was excited to get to class. It was 3rd period which meant that I had a class with warren. And wanted to get fully prepared in front of the bathroom mirror before class started. I applied my lip gloss and re glued the corner of my eyelash. I have a eye condition called dry eye. It's nothing you can visibly see but its basically when your eyes dont produce the tears to keep your eyes moist, so my eyes water to the point of were my eyelashes pop off in the corner so I have to touch them up by the middle of the day if I forget my eyedrops.

I run to class before the final bell and sit down in the back seat, I hate sticking out in the front. I'm too quiet to wanna talk out loud. I see no sighn of warren. So I lost all hope when the bell rang. He ditches class alot to it's very rare of him to show up. The teacher started to take roll.

"Addison marrie"

"Rick sanchez"

"Jordan roads"
*I raise my hand*

"Warren shaw"

I looked back and he was standing in the doorway.

Mrs.rally "This is the last time I will let you off the hook shaw."

Warren " oh, miss rally dont be too excited to see me."

He walked up to the empty desk next to me. He dropped his bag and sat down. He did a quick glimpse at me. It felt like 30 minutes. I felt my pores unable to breath. I started to get hot.
All I could think was "dammnnn"
And I flipped my hair to my back to let some heat escape my shoulders. I pulled out my stuff from my bag and I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was becka! she came in to ask a question about last weeks test. I waved whispered " hi "

Warren " hey.. hey.."

Me " he isn't talking to me"

Warren" hey, pssssst"

Me " oh my god yes he is."

I looked back and Warren's fire hot eyes were looking straight into mine.

Warren "is she single... wait how are you 2 even friends?" *he giggled*

My heart exploded. This is not the way I pictured having a class with him would be like. I felt so annoyed he even asked that...its stupid it's not like he knows. But he shouldn't treat me any less of a person. So I just...

Me "um. Jerk" *I rolled my eyes*

Warren's face went blank, and it was kind of sexy. To not know exactly what he is thinking. He is like a whole mystery. It's like when you wanna read a good book that u cant put down, but the book also makes you angry cuz of the cliff hangers.

So I kept on working and distracting myself.

The rest of the class hour all i could think about was what he said and his evil sexy face as he said it. I wanted to punch him in the stomach. As I wrote my assignment. I heard the most irritating scraping noise. I looked back and warren was scraping something in the desk. I pretended I couldn't hear it.

Towards the end of class I started to put everything in my bag. And we lined up at the door. I looked at his desk and there were 2 little hearts scribbled into the desk. It was cute. I looked up at him, and he saw me looking at his distructive artwork and I quickly looked away. And when I looked back he was talking to a cheerleader... not just ANY CHEERLEADER it was Teresa....
I think they were flirting. Teresa was curling her hair with her long ass press on nails. Warren was biting his lip and leaning his arm against the wall almost wrapped around her.

I HAD to get closer. SHE IS NOT GONNA break my bestfriends heart with dude that scribbles hearts into his desk. I walked be hind them and listened closely. Pretending to look at my phone.

Warren said "so what you doing tonight"

Teresa said "well I kinda have this stupid date with my girlfriend tonight, but if u want I can tell her I'm sick, or im stuck at home with my grandmother again."

that is exactly what she says.... I thought she said that because she sort of had a heart to take care of an elderly woman. But she uses her grandma as a excuse... maybe her heart is just as cold afterall..? I felt the heat and blood boil up to my brain. I felt angry, If the bell didnt ring soon I was going to pop... I was about to rip her head of and feed it to the loins at the zoo. I felt every part of my body get warm and shakey from finger tips to toes to the tippy top of my head, and RIGHT when I was about to burst.

The bell rang..
And I felt so relieved of all the built up blood pressure in my body.

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