This continues 2 days after the last part
Y/N's POV;
I saw a video in my recommendation for YouTube.. hmm 'being trash at bedwars for like 5 years' haha, I looked who uploaded it.. skep.. hm, haven't I heard of that before? I waved away the thought and clicked on the video.. wait this sounds like—
'Ha! I'm the best at bedwars!' Thats.. me.. right? I watched the rest of the video and.. sure enough it was, I looked in the comments..Elijah162
'Who is the girl? She's so good!'And
'Dang, I need to Stan her right now!'And more.. they made me smile, I really just waved off the hate, I mean if you didn't like someone why give them attention? I refreshed the page and the views kept going up.. I'm like an anonymous famous person.. haha, that's funny.. I just clicked off YouTube and opened Minecraft, then Hypixel, I had like 1million friend requests, and party requests, I rushed to turn them off, and then some people in the chat were recognizing me, this was kinda overwhelming, so I just decided to play some skywars and listen to music.
— after you won basically every game expect one —
Wow! Theyre really good.. I decided to friend them, but didn't really expect them to accept.. I typed it anyways
/f Technoblade
ClickNow I just waited in anticipation.. and.. they accepted! Woah, some competition! I laughed at my own joke, and decided to message them,
'Hey Techno, you're really good at the game!'
I sent the message, and started to smile
'Yeah, thanks. I know, you're really good also, didn't know someone with an e-girl skin could be good at the game'
I laughed a little, and quickly responded, we started messaging and then we exchanged discord's, he messaged me and asked,
'Wanna call?'
I didn't really think about it and just moved my cursor over the call button and clicked..Ring.. ring..
"Hello?" I asked, and now my nerves were kicking in..
"Hi, I hope it's okay that im recording" The make responded, with a rather deep voice, it was kinda surprising
"Oh, yeah it's fine! At least you asked" I responded, laughing at the end a little
"Hm? What do you mean by that?" I heard he respond, very confused, and I heard some clicking around on the other end
"Oh, I was playing a bedwars game and apparently the guy was recording 'n I guess he forgot to tell me? Anyways the video he posted came up in my recommended.." I explained, I heard him make a sound of confusion mixed with some shock..
"Oh.. what was the channel called?" He asked, hm, what a weird question.. I thought to myself, but I shrugged it off, whats the harm?
"Oh, it was called skep I think.." I thought a little, very oblivious.
"Oh, well I have a youtube also, it's just my Minecraft name if you wanted to know.." he responded, trailing off at the end, probably a bit embarrassed.. I thought, I mean who openly tells practically random people 'hEy sUb tO mE oN yT' I smiled at his embarrassment
"Haha, so are we gonna do something or you just gonna do.. uhm whatever you were doing" I asked him
"Oh, yeah we can do a party if you wanna.." he responded, it made me smile and I just partied him..
— yet another timeskip, brought to you by noodles. —
That was sos fun! I thought to myself, and me and Techno said our byes, I was interrupted from my laughter by another call.. from Vincent, my anxiety shot up, as my mind raced with my body to press the accept button
"Ehh.. hello?" I heard Vincent wow.. his accent is so cute.. I shook my head again, but.. he does like me back..
"Hm.. hi! What's up?" I asked him, with a smile plastered on my face, I couldn't help but smile with Vincent here..
"Wanna play on a survival server and troll skep? He is streaming on it right now." My eyes lit up at the offer, trolling the guy I met a couple days ago.
"Yes! This is perfect because I have an alt account, lemme pull it up.." I replied, and very eagerly told him my alts name to whitelist me.
'Hello?' I said in the chat, laughing, I almost forgot Vincent was there, expect I heard him laughing with me, it made me smile..
'Who r u' Skeppy responded, I heard Vincent laugh, I wondered what was so funny..
"oH MY GooDnesS—" his sentence was cut off by very frequent laughs.. "he thinkS yOu'rE" it was cut off by a breath in and out, continued by laughter "spIfeY—" huh? Who is spifey..? I wondered..
"He thinkS yoU'rE hiM.. bEcauSe—" cut off by a huge inhale of air, that was released with laughter.. "spifEy diD thiS-" cut off, yet again with laughter, it made me giggle.. "onCe.." I heard him catching his breath, it was really cute, and made me laugh quietly.
'?? Hellooo' oh shoot, I forgot about Skeppy for a second.. I quickly typed,
'Who are you? Also are you like 3?' I pressed enter and then heard Vincent burst out in laughter again.. I decided to look up skeppys stream.. I clicked on the livestream, and my eyes immediately looked up to the facecam..
"WHO IS THIS WHAttT" I heard him scream, it made me laugh with Vincent, when his face came back into frame i saw him wow, I expected him to be a 12 year old white boy— I opened my Minecraft again, but at a smaller screen, and looked in the chat,
'OK WHI SRE YOU?' I laughed and quickly typed,
'Huh, I thought you'd be some white 10 year old with spelling like that..'
I heard Skeppy in his stream let out a loud, breathy scream, and then Vincent snort, it was so cute, and it made me laugh."Hey! Don't make fun of me!" I heard him say, kinda shy, it made me smile and blush at his shyness,
"I'm not! It was really cute!" I told him, I decided to look at his channel again, only to see he was streaming! I eagerly clicked on it to see his cute face, and, no surprise it was absolutely adorable! His face was red, and a smile, it made me so happy
"Wow, didn't know someone could look so cute!" I quickly looked as his face became even redder and was shying away from the camera
"Cmon! Y'know it's true, I just, plz give me the good genes" I said, I saw him smile warmly on the stream, but then he reminded me about the troll.. it kinda slipped my mind.. but, I didn't wanna stop looking at his cute, flustered expression, and nice smile..
WOW WOW WOWIEEEE um.. so I just made this like literally right now, and it's 1000+ words.. but.. it took like 2-3 days for me to finish 1 chapter from my other book.. guess I'm just motivated! Anyways hope you enjoyed reading!

A6D x Reader
RomanceYes, this is an A6D x reader because. Fangirl, andddd dont judge. Also I made the cover, so plz appreciate it it took like 5ever to make it Vincent (a6D) and y/n (uhh mc/n aka minecraft name) 'meet' in Minecraft, y/n finds out Vincent's YouTub...