VRFPS. A VR game called "World Battle Ground Online" is a extremely popular game and with milllions from all around the world
While me, im just an average player. Im at Level 50 and was doing pretty nice on the game. The mechanics is pretty unique a...
I felt uneasy from the movement, it felt like i was inside a luggage being thrown around, suddenly i opened my eyes and shot straight up and saw i was in a moving vehicle, i scan my area and saw multiple destroyed and heavily damaged building
I examine the vehicle i was in and i conclude it was an SUV of sorts, a figure's pops out of the seats and i saw Ruby was looking at me with a look of relief and happiness
Ruby: Y-Y/N!?
She went to the backseats and wrapped her arms around my body, she softly rest her head on my chest and i could feel her tears soaking my vest. I put my palm on the back of Ruby's head and gently caress her short lenght hair
Y/N: Y-You came back for me
Soon, the driver of the vehicle spoke up and she had blonde hair and her sunglasses covers her eye, one noticeable feature of the girl was that she had a artificial arm on her right arm
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???: So you're that Y/N guy that Ruby was talking about...we saw what you did to the Atlesians, it was horrifying
I held my head and i suddenly remembered all the events that happened, the confrontation and i stood my ground to stop the Atlesians
???: Judging from Ruby's action a while ago and now, she cares about you and if you do anything to her that will lead her to harm, i will not hesitate to kill you
Her last statement had a serious tone in it which made me sweat from nervousness, i look back at Ruby who was still hugging me tightly, she was probably worried about me
I look at my HUD and saw i was now level 57 and i've unlocked new weapons from the shop menu, i've gotten a new gun. But i had no time to care about the new weapon, i focused my attention on my current situation
Yang: The name is Yang Xia Long, and i want to thank you for taking care of Ruby. But seeing you as that monster a while ago is giving me second thoughts. I saw Ruby running towards the road and flailing her arms for help, me and CFVY saw picked her up and she suddenly said something about you fighting those Atlesian scums
Y/N: I did what was necessary to let Ruby escape, taking them head on is suicide so i had to be that 'thing'. I get my hands dirty and the world stays clean
Yang: Heh, im starting to like you, but keep in mind that if you do something like that again.... being that 'thing', you werent human when you become that thing, killing Atlesian soldiers cold blooded...rejecting your humanity can lead to many different consequences
I began to reflect on what i had did on the Atlesians, i've killed a hundred or more...this isnt a game anymore, im in an actual war on a different world and i have actually killed people, these arent AI's or respawnable players...they are actual living beings
Ruby: Y/N, promise me you wont risk your life like that again...
Y/N: I promise
I look out the window to see another car being driven by friendly people on this nation and i am glad that we are not alone on the road where potential ambush can be easily setted up. In the corner of the vehicle was my HK416 and my helmet and goggles