THEORY TIME! (big brain energy 💪)

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So, He fell in love with a Boy...not knowing that the Boy was ...himself.


Prosopagnosia (from Greek prósōpon, meaning "face", and agnōsía, meaning "non-knowledge"), also called face blindness, is a cognitive disorder of face perception in which the ability to recognize familiar faces, including one's own face (self-recognition), is impaired.

He forgot his own face.

People with this disorder do not recognize friends or family members or even themselves in a mirror.

THEORY No.2: Depersonalization Disorder

"People with depersonalization disorder simply don't feel a connection to who they see in the mirror."

Depersonalization symptoms include:

feeling like you’re outside your body, sometimes as if you’re looking down on yourself from above

THEORY No.3: hella drugged up

He was captured and put into the Laboratory where men and women in lab coats were injecting him with different toxins or chemicals.

Maybe they were developing a drug and using him as a lab rat/testing specimen.

He was hella drugged up. He wanted to feel less lonely. He saw the mirror, didn't realise it was his own reflection cuz he is HELLA DRUGGED UP. He was happy to have some "company", he felt like he wasn't "alone" anymore. Eventually fell in love. (*sighs*)

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•Which theory do you agree with? (Comment next to the theory number!)

•Do you have your own theory?

Also, thank you for reading this crackhead 🤡story (lol "story")

I appreciate your cute ass💕

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