Dating a Ghost Girl-Part 2

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Amane's POV:

its been a while since iv been living in this fake world, and i honestly think this world is perfect.

and honestly, i kind of wonder sometimes...what would of happened if i never told her i loved her, well we probably would have been in the real world..

and can i really say im dating a "ghost" now like seriously Yashiro is alive now and shes not dead anymore.

i wonder what happened to that purple hair girl and why everyone else is in this fake world except her.

maybe shes someone yashiro just doesn't like.

i could never for sure know.


"your not even paying attention to the lesson..? or maybe its because your mind is stuck on me..?"

"H-hey thats not true!"

"shhh you dont want the teacher to hear you~"

-the bell rings-

"looks like class is over cmon lets go eat lunch at the roof Amane Kun!"

-2 minutes later-

"So amane kun tell me!!!!"

"isnt this new world incredible! its so awesome it feels so nice to be alive again i want to stay here forever."

"Yashiro..whats that?"

"its purple smoke..where the hell did that come from!"

"long time no see Yashiro Nene.."

"Aoi..but how, i swear i made it physically impossible for you to even step a foot in this world!"

"Oh well..anyway, that Amane boy looks so cute! i honestly think he'd be better off with me so if you excuse me ill be taking him now Yashiro!"

"Amane Kun! where did he go!"

"Oh i just teleported him back to the real world, however it'll be impossible for you to find him considering you dont have your supernatural abilities in this world!"

"So, have fun getting back to the real world and saving your soon to be MY boyfriend! hehe..ill be looking forward to see you Yashiro, goodbye.."

. . .

"Amane there has to be a way that i can save you i know there is..there has to be a way.."

"Maybe there is a way.."

to Yashiro's suprise a boy who looked just like her when she use to be in the real world instead he had black choppy hair and light brown eyes shaped like the moon.

he had the same outfit that she once had as well, black and red

"W-who are you.."

"Me? well im Hanako Kun! its a pleasure to meet you Yashiro Nene..or maybe i shouldn't say that since..i already know you in my world."

all she could do was sit there shocked and confused but she knew she had no other choice but to trust him and she did.

Yashiro x Hanako ~ Roles ReversedWhere stories live. Discover now