Chapter - 6

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“Hold up…what do you mean you’re not ready? I would’ve thought you had sex by now.” He says awkwardly messing the back of his hair up.

“No No, I’ve had sex but I don’t know…I just don’t think I’m ready to do it with you…” I say, making my way over to a tree and sitting up against it. He follows me and picks his shirt off from the ground and drags it over to him in the silence.

“Well what’s that supposed to mean, Riley?” He asks, looking down and playing with his monitor. We hear a few beeps and then he slides it back in to his pocket.

“Look I don’t know! I’m girl with feelings okay? And I also may have insecurity issues alright…so please not tonight, maybe some other time!” I groan and slip off my shoes. It’s getting a bit chilly out here and I’m only wearing shorts, a singlet and a thin little throw over. I shiver as I lie down to the ground and place my side on a long leaf.

“It’s okay, Riley. I totally respect you.” He flashes a grin. In my brain, I’m in aww and on the outside I show a small little smile. “Thanks Cam.” I sigh.

He lies down next to me and spoons my behind, placing his warm, large hands on my skin. Surprisingly I shiver. “Oh my god Riley, You’re freezing.” He says in shock. I stay still. “Yeah, I know. I get cold at night times ahah” I laugh. “Here.” I hear him say as I turn to face him. He hands me his shirt.

“Cam…you really don’t need to-” he cuts me off as he puts it around my body. I try to say thanks but he cuts me off again, this time with his finger on my lips. “Shh. You don’t need to say anything.” He says and slowly leans in to plant his soft lips on mine once again.

“Thanks.” I chuckle. He looks at me for a slight second and smiles. I smile to my feet. Why is Cam all of a sudden made me feel like this? I feel like I’ve known him my whole life even though out of all our friends we’d hardly talk. He’s made me realise how much I sort of like him.

“Goodnight Riley.” He lies himself down facing me, pulling me closer in to his chest where we both fell fast asleep.

As I wake up this morning I begin to realise I’m not in my own bed and I’m not at home. I whimper at thought of not returning home and spending the rest of my life here on this island. I know someone will find us though, and rescue us, we just have to wait. I sigh; all I’m missing right now is my daily routine of waking up in the morning and taking a look at the horrible sight of my face in the mirror and then brushing my teeth. I miss the smell of bacon and eggs as I walk down the stairs to the kitchen in my home and seeing my pet fish. Gosh they’re probably dead right now, nobody feeds them except me.

The thought of not returning home is depressing but I guess for the time now, I’ll have to enjoy Cam’s presence and right now I kind of am…

I rise from the ground and shake the sand off my body. Looking out to the morning air and the rising sun makes me feel calm and happy. I need to think positive about this experience; it’s going to take some time though as I am kind of a princess.

I run to the shore of the beach and slip off my shorts, Cam’s shirt and my singlet and make my way into the freezing water where I swam out to the buoy. It was so deep and I never think I had ever done anything like this before. Oh how my dad would be so proud, he’s always wanted me to concur my fears.

 I see two orange baby star fish. “This is adorable.” I say to myself as I take one and put it on my ear and the next on my other. “This may seem weird but this is what Aquamarine did so I’m doing it too.” I say again to myself. I laugh to myself. “I wonder what Cam will think when he sees my new earrings.” I then swim forward a bit but get caught on something.

“What the hell?” I begin to freak out. I look down underneath me but can’t see a thing. I feel a big object pass by my legs and I begin to freeze. I don’t see any fins so it can’t be sharks…can it?

“Cam!!” I yell as loud as I can as I begin to freak out even more as the feeling comes back.

“I can’t move! Cam! Help me!” I yelp. I try to swim forward a bit but it’s no use. “What the hell am I going to do?” I yell as loud I can and think fast. Maybe it’s just seaweed? Or even a sting ray? It’s gotta be something.  I then see Cam running over to the shore and remove his shirt. Finally he makes his way over to me fast and panics as he see’s something behind me.

“Shit, Riley! Quick swim over to me!” I do as he says and take his hand. We swim as fast as we can until we make it to shore.

“What was that back there?”  I dramatically huff as I collapse in the sand.

“It was baby shark. I could see it with my own eyes!” He says collapsing on top of me.

“Ow!” I groan underneath him. “What were you thinking? Swimming out in the open see? You could have died!” He cups my cheek.

“I’m so glad you’re okay though.” He says, kissing my forehead.

I whimper underneath him.  “Can’t breathe.”

“Oh, sorry!” He gets up and sits on my hips.

“Thanks for saving me Cam.” I tuck my wet hair back behind my ears and push him off me as I stand and shake the sand off me.

“So that’s it? No hug and kiss?” He wines and takes both my hands.

“You earn the hug and kiss.” I say, pouting my lips slightly

“I’m pretty sure I just did.” He pulls me into him and holds me close to his chest. I wrap my arms at the top of his back and lean my head against his shoulder.

“Can we kiss now?” He asks through my hair. “Sure.” I remove my head from his shoulder and our lips connect quickly. “Slow it down a bit. I like slow and soft kisses.” I say as I look up to his eyes, those ocean coloured blue eyes. I could stare at them all day. We continue to kiss for a few more minutes, his hands wrapped around my lower back and neck. I separate us for a moment to breathe.

“Why have we stopped?” He asks looking at my ears. I think he’s noticed the star fish.

“I’m hungry alright?” I question frustrated

“Hey what’s that on your ears?” He asks, taking my hand and walking us down the beach.

“It’s star fish. When I was out at the buoy before I noticed them and thought why not do what Aquamarine did?” I say looking at his tan skin and hold on to his arm.

“Oh yeah I know that movie! But Riley did you ever think maybe they could be poisonous?”  He says removing them from my ears and placing them in my palm of my hand.

“No…not really.” I panic and run over to the shore and throw them in to the water.

“Well shit, would you look at that? I’m already getting a reaction!” I say looking at my hand and itching my ears ferociously.

“You’re so cute. You know that right?” He says grabbing me by the waist and taking us back to wear we slept so we can talk. “Well I do now.” I chuckle.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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