26 - i will survive

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After the sun was at its highest peak I held onto the tree and hauled myself up ignoring my huge wound in my arm and tried to stand on my foot but the pain flooded through me like it was being sawed off. I looked around and grabbed a stick and looked through my bag and wrapped the top of the stick in a pice of clothing and used it as one of the crutches and scanned for another one. I hopped past a few trees and found a few sticks that were just to short but after a while I found a perfect one and wrapped that with clothing as well. I soon carried on deeper into the forest

I carried on walking and took a break it felt like a hour had even and figured that the forest will probably go on for days to come so I just decided to make a shelter like I did in scouts that sky took me to. I grabbed sticks, leaves , bits of bushes and some mud and created a

small but that could fit about two people.

" few .... Done " I puffed and decided to make a small fire so i grabbed some rocks and assembled them in a special spot so that the smoke would rise through the trees and hopefully so someone other than my foster parents will find me.

I sat in my small hut and sighed and remembered what I had packed in my bag. The typical cliche picture of family. I would rather be cliche then not remember the best family ever then die and forget them.

As night fell I lit the fire and sat by it and the toasty feeling made me smile again. I looked at the stars and then the trees around and laughed going through the memories that I had with sky and the others but after I while I put out the fire and crawled into the hut and laid on the floor. I can make a suitable bed tomorrow but for now this is better then nothing.

I had the same dream again but this time I survived but before I woke up something bright was heading for me but the I woke up not finding out what happened.

I ate another snack from my bag but this time it was just a single choc chip cookie but like I always tell myself " it's better then nothing "

I sat in the hut wondering if I should just stay here or carry on walking till I find an exit. I couldn't decide so I just though I will stay here for a while.i got up and hopped around and my environment safe crutches and gathered some moss and squeezed it dry and did that for hours to come. I ,are a wood base and after the moss was dry and soft I spread it out on the wooden base and it made a nice soft bed .

As I walked out of the hut something cold fell on my head and I looked up to see a few snowflakes falling.

" WHAT!?!? SNOW " I panicked and almost fell over. I sighed and went to gather a hole lot more moss and more sticks. After I had gathered the supplies I decided to make a veranda type thing so that if it does snow it won't cover my base up. After a while I got some long grass and started stitching up a long and strong veranda. After It was finished I went and gathered two giant piles of moss and waited for it to dry.

I picked up my bag but it must have got caught on a branch because it ripped open and everything fell put but what caught my eye was the pocket knife that I must have packed.

I picked it up and walked up to a stick and sharpened it to a sharp point and I placed it in my hut and thought it would be a great idea to put the leafy veranda up so the snow doesn't freeze me to death.

I look up and saw shades of purple and orange and figured that it was time to light the fire. As I lit the fire that I moved further away from me because of the shelter but what caught my eye was a small creature moving In the bushes so I grabbed my spear for protection. I slowly walked around it and saw a small baby fox.

I picked it up and saw that it was about just old enough to run. I looked for the mother but found that she was dead. Caught in a ditch and must have starved but how did her cub survive?

I pick it up and cradle it like a human baby and took it back to the hut as the snowflakes fell faster. I looked through my bag and found some meat but it must have been going off but I decided to cook it for the small cub. It's been freezing weather so it should be fine for the it .

I hook the meat to a stick and cooked it. After it had been cooking for about ten minutes I grabbed the knife and split it but made sure the cub had got more because it looked skinnier then a twig. It devoured the meat in seconds and then jumped onto my lap and curled up. I smiled and brought the cub into the hut and placed it on some moss.

When I picked it up I felt weird because I quickly looked to see its gender and saw that it was a he so I decided to name him lucky . It's a horrible name but he's lucky to survive the the cold nights by himself so lucky will do for now .

I blew out the fire and laid next to lucky and fell asleep feeling better and that horrible dream that I have been having didn't happen.

butter brother ( skydoesminecraft fan fic along with olivialovesSnow )Where stories live. Discover now