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Dipper had no idea how he ended up where he was currently. At that moment in time, he was being led down a hallway that was lit by flickering fluorescent lights by a guard. He had left his belongings at a front desk beforehand so he lost any comfort of being able to hold on to any familiar objects. The guard stopped him at a room and unlocked the door, and pushed him roughly inside, causing Dipper to stumble.

He was already almost shaking from fear and anxiety. He was then told to stand still as he would be patted down.

The guard gave him a sickening grin, "Try not to enjoy this too much."

Dipper could feel disgust coiling in his gut as he processed what he had been told. How could he possibly enjoy this?

Once the guard was done with the pat-down he was told to strip. He stood stock-still, unable to move as was commanded. He was broken out of his trance however when the guard barked at him to hurry up because he 'didn't have all day'.

Quickly he began to rid himself of his clothing and put on the orange jumpsuit that he was given. Since it was a one size fits all kind of deal with the thing, he grimaced as the sleeves fell past his hands slightly and noted that he would need to roll up the pant legs so they wouldn't scuff the floor.

While he was rolling up his sleeves he was handed a pair of slip-on shoes that were thankfully his size. He had barely finished rolling the second sleeve when he was ushered out of the room and into another hallway. As they neared the exit door he could hear people bustling around and talking.

Dipper swallowed thickly and felt his nerves spike once again. How was he ever going to get out of this place alive? He was roughly pushed forward again by the guard. The guard then unlocked the door and he was let out into the area that held all of the cells.

Since it was already night time by the time he had arrived everyone was already in their cells, presumably sleeping. He had just hoped that whoever he would be sharing a cell with wouldn't be an insane lunatic and try to kill him in his sleep. He prayed to whatever god that might be out there that he would have a sane person to accompany him.

Soon enough the guard stopped and caused Dipper to almost run into his back at the abruptness. The guard took out his keys and unlocked the cell door, roughly shoving Dipper inside. There was no mercy at any twist and turn it seemed. Of course there wouldn't be.

Dipper turned to look at the bed that was currently occupied and saw a slumbering figure with jet black hair. His breathing was slow and even which indicated he was asleep. 'Good' he thought, he didn't need to deal with anyone so soon. He was absolutely terrified of what was to come in the morning.

He slowly made his way towards the empty cot and sat down. His eyes started to water and he could feel fat tears rolling down his cheeks in no time. He sniffled, the weight of what just happened beginning to hit him. What was he going to do? He hadn't even done anything wrong! He was just framed! But what could he do about it?

The brunette brought a hand to his mouth and sobbed quietly, hoping not to awaken the other occupant of the cell. Why did he have to be so stupid? Why did he have to be so trusting? Of course they weren't friends! Of course they just wanted to use him as a scapegoat!

He laid down on the bed and curled in on himself, trying to make himself seem as small as possible. He could still feel fresh, hot tears running down his face. He hated this. He didn't deserve any of this. Why did the world seem to hate him? What would he do without Mabel by his side? How was he even going to survive this experience?

Thoughts kept racing through his head endlessly. But he knew one thing for certain, he couldn't give up on himself so soon. He sniffed a bit and made a determined face. He would get back to his beloved sister no matter what. He would survive, if not for himself then he would survive for Mabel.

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