My Dog

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In a small town, a girl lived alone with her dog. This dog meant everything to her. She would spoil him and constantly take him for long walks when she was home from work. His name was Little Bear, for he was a small black mutt that resembled a bear cub.

At night, the dog would sleep under the blankets curled up against his human. She was fine with it because it would make her feel safe. Although she would sometimes wake up to him leaving the bed in the middle of the night. She never worried, for he was always next to her when she awoke the following morning.

This dog was very clingy to her. He followed her around the house, always slept next to her, always wanted her to pet or play with him. He loved her, more than dogs normally love their humans. But she ignored this, telling herself and others that he is just special.

He also seemed to never eat. She barely had to fill the food bowl and rarely ever saw him eat. He seemed fine and the vet assured her that he was eating healthy but it didn't seem right. She had to refill the water many times a day but yet, the food was only filled up like every other day. He would eat some of the human food she would give him like he was starving.

At night she would take him for a nice long walk in the woodsy path before going to sleep. She was afraid of the darkness that were seen between the trees, but having her dog always made her feel slightly better. But one night her fears almost came true. On this particular night, someone tried to rob her.

They were in dark clothes and had their hood up, so she never saw the man. He had a knife and threatened to stab her if she didn't hand over her belongings. He seemed unaffected by Little Bear as he barked and growled. She knew she would have to follow his orders if she wanted to stay safe, so she started to take her phone out of her pocket. Little Bear was angry. He wanted to hurt this man and keep his human safe. So, he let out his secret to her.

Little Bear stopped growling and barking, looking back at her. A low whine escaped his snout as if saying sorry before he looked back at the man holding the knife. Confused, the two humans look down at the small dog between them. Fear took over as the small dog suddenly started to grow. His features changing into a wolf, bear hybrid.

His body gets larger, his legs longer, his head bigger. He stands on all fours at 5 feet tall. His body is wide and muscular. His once smooth black fur is now jagged and mangy. His paws, now about as big as my head, look like a bear's paw. The huge claws dig into the dirt underneath him. His large body resembles one of a wolf. His head is large and round while his snout points out. His tail hangs down as he gets into an attacking stance. He snarls and his huge, sharp teeth are easily seen. For now these teeth are a nice, almost pure, white.

Little Bear let out a large howl like roar before pouncing on the man. The, now, bear/wolf hybrid tares through his clothes and flesh, eating him alive. The screams that the man let out were piercing. He pleaded for the girl to save him but she was too terrified to move. Once the life was drained out of this man, all she could hear was the sound of flesh being torn and bones snapping. When Little Bear was done, he turned back into his small, normal dog form and jogged back to his human. His tail wagged widely as his blood covered snout and paws left a trail behind him.

She wanted to call the cops but if she were to call the cops, what would she tell them? That her dog morphed into a beast to save her? They would call her insane. Lock her up and her dog would be taken or killed. So, she kept it to herself. Let someone else find the poor man and call the cops.

On the walk home she let her thoughts distract her but kept an eye out for her dog. In what felt like a second she was at her door, unlocking it. Opening the door, the dog ran in and instantly started to lap up the water in his bowl. She looked down at the ground expecting to see paw prints made from blood but was surprised when there were none. She looked back at her dog and noticed he was wet.

''He probably went to the river nearby to clean himself of the blood during the walk home'' She thought to herself.

She looked at her phone and noticed the time was 9:48, so she decided to get ready to sleep. As she got ready for bed, she noticed Little Bear was acting a bit differently. He wasn't following her around as much as he usually does. He was distancing himself from her.

"Come here boy" She calmly said while sitting down on the ground.

The dog cautiously walked up to her, afraid she was going to reject him. She rubbed the top of his head with a smile on her face. Instantly Little Bear was happy again. His tail wagging fiercely as he starts to lick her face . She giggles and softly pushes him away. She gets up and finishes her nightly routine.

As she gets into her bed that night, she starts to wonder how long her dog has been able to transform. If other dogs can do what he does. She wonders if he will ever get caught. She stops thinking and looks down at her dog who is curled up against her, asleep. A soft smile makes it way upon her lips. Curling up around the dog, she lets her worries disappear and she falls asleep safer than she has ever felt before.    

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