Jar of Hearts

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I walk alone, the dark gloomy streets call for me to go home, there is danger in the air and I know I am being followed by something without form. The street lights are dying, the moths are flying and I am dying inside. What did I do to deserve this? Why am I always alone? I hear a scream behind me and I turn my long black hair flies behind me glowing in the moonlight. I see nothing but my own shadow looking back at me, I continue to walk down the hard wet concrete path, the houses that surround me are dark with no light and the people sleep dreaming about who knows what. A soft hand holds my shoulder, I turn once more to look back and see a black hand, mist flying around it holding me tightly yet gently at the same time. I ask who it is, I am shivering, sweat drips from the tip of my noes and the hairs on the black of my neck scream for me to run yet I do not listen, instead I close my eyes a single tear falls and I open my eyes once more to look straight ahead to see the black mist swirling around my shaking body. "I want you in my jar" it says deeply, the voice is unimaginably cold and dark, I felt a cold wind rush past me when it spoke. Confused I look at it straight in it's eye sockets which blood pours from and I whisper quietly to myself "I must...run." I struggle, punch, kick and scream for it to let go of me, I grab it's hand but my own goes straight through it as if nothing were there but I can see it, I can see the black hand holding me tightly, I can feel it! Ignoring the hand I try to run, hoping it will let me go. Running, I am running but whenever I look back it's still there, staring at me, staring into me. What jar? Why does it want me? I stop suddenly as I see a figure dead in my vision of sight, it has a black robe and black mist forms off of the it, it's hand is still grabbing onto me tightly as if it will lose me if it let's go. "W-Who are you!?" I stutter but manage to get it out. Instead of speaking it simply laughs...the laugh it like scratching on a chalk board, it is demonic and I feel it swirl around me, it's never ending laughter. "You brought me here, you do not remember?" it says again with it's demon voice. I don't remember, should I? Suddenly I grab my head in pain, I hear screaming, moaning and crying. Flashbacks consume my mind, ropes, whips, blood and a jar. I remember...I look up at the demon glaring at it with fierce evil in my dark blue orbs"I killed you" I yell, the demon yet again chuckles as if I had told a joke, there is no jokes here, why are you laughing!? He let's go of me, freeing me, yet I do not move. The demon's arm disappears into his dark coat, pulling out a blood stained jar tightly being held by a silver rusty chain and brings it to my face "open it" he whispers darkly. I hesitantly grab it with my small sweaty now blood stained hands, I now hold it but I hear something inside beating against the warm glass, I wipe off the fog covering it. Gasping loudly I drop the jar and the demon screams fiercely as if I had just killed it's loved one, it bends down quickly and instead of grabbing the glass, he grabs the thing the jar was holding, blood squirted around spraying me and the demon. My chest suddenly pounds against my skin and I gasp for air, I fall and hold onto where my heart was only to find an empty hole, a hole that now cries blood and pain. The demon grabs my heart off of the floor and all the other scattered hearts treasuring them dearly. "You may have killed me, but in the end it is I who have killed you and I will continue to kill" he says laughing slightly. Shocked my mind fuzzes, my hearing closes and my eyes start to dim, I cannot see anything but blurs and black spots cover my mind.I close my eyes, glass scattered all around me, blood pours all over the ground and a simple chain is left stretched out on top of it all.  I had tried to save myself...but in the end I saved nobody and not I am dead, drifting in darkness for all eternity while my tormenter gets to kill more innocent victims, I tried to save myself and them, but I am useless. Goodbye cruel world and try not to get put in a jar for I am stuck watching others fall victim into the jar of hearts.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2014 ⏰

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