Training.... Hello, Sora!

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Miyu's Pov.

A few days after seeing Kakashi, Naruto began his training. Yamoto? Yomato?..... The creepy guy was also there. I cant remember his name either.. Anyway, he's using shadow clones to speed up the training process. So far its working fairly well. 

"Miyu," Kakashi's voice burst my thoughts, and I glanced up from a scroll, eyeing the man as he stood over me. "How are you feeling?" My eyes widened only a little before I looked back down at my scroll. 

"I'm fine." I stated, unrolling the scroll a little bit more, trying to hide the pain that was flaring inside my head.

"Your cheeks are flushed, Miyu." I tensed slightly. 

"I'm fine." I heard a growl inside my head. 


I mentally cursed that damn fox. "And you've been reaching for your head." Kakashi continued, eye narrowed. Sighing, I dropped the scroll in my lap. 

"It's just a headache." I muttered under my breath, glancing at Naruto. One of him - could be a clone - stopped and was looking at me. But by the look on his face, I think it was the real Naruto. "Nothing more than a headache." 

"Naruto wont be very happy if you hide it." He pointed out, placing a hand on his hip. I scowled at the thought. Im pretty sure I know my body better than anyone. Im not sick. I just have a headache from reading this scroll. Yeah..."Miyu." It was a warning tone, but it didnt have an affect on me. Not like it does when Naruto or Kurama says it. 

"I told you, its just a headache." Closing the scroll, I leaned back against the tree behind me and eyed my old sensei carefully. I dont really know if I still consider Kakashi my teacher. I mean, I've been gone for almost three years. In that time, I was under someone else's instruction. Oh well..

Kakashi sighed, and was about to speak until Yamoto yelled. Both our heads snapped in that direction, and I was immediately on my feet as my gaze landed on Naruto, cloaked in Kurama's chakra. 

"MIYU!" Yamoto yelled after me, making  wood thingys as  I rushed over to the blonde.

"I told you." Kurama growled, red eyes glaring at Yamoto. "That won't work on me again," he snapped. I stepped into the circle of of wood poles. A soft smile made its way to my lips, though now my head was throbbing even worse than before. 

As I closed in on Kurama, his eyes snapped to me and immediately softened as I reached out my arms, my legs suddenly feeling weak. 

"Whats is she doing?! Is she crazy?!" I heard Yamoto yell. Footsteps followed, and I spared a glance behind me to see Kakashi stopping him. 

"Leave her." A small nod and I turned back to Kurama, just as my legs buckled beneath me. Kurama caught me, and scowled.

"Honestly," The fox growled, swooping down and scooping me up bridal style. "What am I going to do with you?" The chakra coat had already vanished the moment I was in his arms. 

"What... just happened..." I heard Yamoto ask. 

"Miyu, believe it or not, is the nine-tails' mate." Kakashi explained. 

Tuning them out as Yamoto started freaking out, I felt my face become hot, while the rest of me became cold. "Anything you want." I noticed the sly smirk spreading on his face. "If you let Naruto train." 

"Very tempting offer, love." Kurama pushed my hair back, tucking the dark strands behind my ear. "Alright, I'll let the kit train."

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