Mine And Only Mine

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Sehun leaned on you for support. He was getting dizzy due to the height of the bridge. Tao who was standing in front of you two, turned back to check on you only finding you linking arms with Sehun. You looked up into his eyes as he stared straight into your soul. Sending one message. Let. Go. Of. Him. You immediately got it but you fought it away and continued holding onto Sehun. Sehun was your best friend since young and Tao was your boyfriend. It was apparent every time you got closer to Sehun, Tao would get jealous. It wasn't the first time he got jealous over you two despite numerous explanations from you. "Let go of him," Tao warned you in a whisper. You shot him a look that said 'no'. "I said. Let go. Of him." Tao said sternly this time, look from you, to your arms and to Sehun. "And I said no." You were going head on with him. You were always the kind who gives in but you've just lost all your sense. "It's okay. I feel fine now," Sehun tried to get his arm away from you but you pulled his arm back on purpose. When you guys reached the end of the bridge, Tao grabbed your wrist and dragged you aside. "Ouch! You're hurting me Tao! Let go!" You shouted at him. "And why should I?" Tao questioned. "Because I asked you to!" "Well you didn't let go when I asked you to." Tao retorted. You used all your strength to twist your wrist free. "We're now even," Tao said with an arrogant look painted all over his face. "What's wrong with you? You know Sehun is my best friend and I know the difference between a best friend and a boyfriend!" You shouted.

"There isn't a need for that much skinship!" Tao said. "You don't even know me well enough! Can you even describe me in one word? No!" You were pissed off and turned to face your back at Tao. "Yes, I can. In one word?" Tao asked and you gave a nod. "Mine." Tao said. You can't help but smile at his cuteness. "Mine and only mine," Tao confirmed it. He tried to turn you around by placing his hand on your shoulder playfully. You shook it off as to tease him. This time round, he used more strength which caused you to fall straight onto his chest, into his arms. "Remember, mine, and only mine. Nobody else's." Tao sounded strictin your defence.

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