Final Chapter of The Giver

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Jonas clasped on the frozen ground filled with white snow. He couldn't keep going but he still had his hopes as fell asleep on cold hard ground. He remembered his Christmas memory as he slowly died with the child. His eyes closed as he imagined himself still walking with Gabe in his hands. He looked forward as he saw a sled on the floor by the steep hill. The sled was the same one in his first memory that The Giver had transferred it to him. He walked to the sled holding Gabe in his arms. His feet felt numb because of walking in the icy snow. He sat on the sled as he held Gabe firmly in one of his hand. The other hand was holding on to the rope.

As the sled started going downhill Jonas grasped Gabe holding him close to his chest. The sled went straight down as snow and frost splattered against his smooth skin. He kept his eyes open riding down the steep hill. He never felt more alive than now. He was surged with energy and hope as he saw the lights that flickered on the houses that he remembered from the memory. They were shining beautifully in the night sky. Jonas felt that this was Elsewhere and that there are people who are waiting down there. He didn't know how long has it passed since the time he left his community. Maybe The Giver's work was finished or maybe he was down there with Rosemary Living happily....

His thoughts were disturbed when they reached the bottom of the hill but they crashed into a pile of white cushioning snow. He glanced back to the top of the hill then looked forward. The view in front of him was amazing. There were houses decorated with blinking lights and other decorations. He saw the pine trees covered in snow. For a moment, he heard something. He listened closer to the sound. It was music. Jonas felt the rhythm of the beat flow through him. He smiled at the sight and the sound. He heard laughs; he hadn't one heard in a long time. He wanted to see where the voices were come from.

Jonas gathered his strength, and he got up with Gabe in his arm. He looked at Gabe who was just got up from his long slumber. He smiled at the child. Jonas was happy because he knew that Gabriel was okay and alive in his arms. He looked at the houses and decided to look at them. He took a peak through the window and saw a magnificent tree with lights wrapped around it with a shiny gold star on the top. It was fascinating. Under the tree there were brilliant wrapped boxes. He saw children playing by the tree and the old women from his memories. He could feel the heat and warmth from the room. "It's called love" he said to himself as he remembered. He stepped away from the window and walked to another house. He knocked on the door. Few seconds later, someone opened the door. It was a beautiful girl who looked like the same age as Jonas opened the door. She had pale eyes. She smiled at them. "Hey! I am Jonas. Do you know where I am?" He asked while smiling. "Hi! Nice to meet you! I have been waiting for you and Gabriel to arrive. I am Rosemary and this place is called Elsewhere. Welcome!" she answered.

Jonas had finally reached Elsewhere. He and Gabriel made it to their destination. Even though they are both dead, their souls are happy. Jonas has finally made it to the place that he wanted to go. He can now know and learn the true meaning of love and happiness.
The End

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