Mr.Beautiful Eyes

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Main characters :-
Dr. Jackson Aviery (plastic surgeon)
Camilla Claus (An Actor)

Camilla claus is an actress currently working on some medical series.

One day camilla was in a super market shopping and accidentally bump into the person coming from opposite direction.

Camilla:- oh, i am sorry i didn't see you coming.
Jackson:- It's okay.

Camilla looked up and looked into his eyes. While the two were gathering things up she was still looking into his eyes.

Camilla:- You have beautiful eyes.
Jackson:- Oh thanks, i know that.
Camilla:- you should be model.
Jackson:- Yeah, but i am a doctor.
Camilla:- Woww, a doctor with pretty
Eyes, i am sure you must be having majority of ladies patients

They both laughed then Jackson got a page from hospital

Jackson:- Oh, it's a page from hospital
I have to go, i am Jackson and hope to see you around.
Camilla:- I am Camilla and yeah i also hope to see you around. Bye

After shaking hands Jackson went on his way to the hospital.

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