Michel is sick and tired of this. He had to escape this place. He had to create a huge plan to escape this portal, and it is for sure hard!! In fact it was one of the hardest thing he has ever done in his life. For a start he had to see what is inside of that weird looking door. BUT he didn't know how. And first step is to see if it's locked. So at night when every body was asleep, he got up, and sneaked to that door to open it. there was a sign that said on it, and it reads "to fix everything enter". He didn't understand what it meant but he wanted to fix every thing so he made a huge plan!
At first he had to create some kind of clone to put him in bed so they think that he is asleep. Then go and get some food and a bat or something to defend himself just in case, and finally run for his life. But he needed the right time and day to execute his plan. But at least he got to have a clown prepared as soon as possible.
Everything was ready, now all he got to do is wait till the right moment to come. that was his plan and he prayed so it would work. God knows what is going to happens.
The next day, Michel tries the plan.. and fails because he is dumb and the clone of him looked like something fake and not real at all!! So he creates a better one and goes to sleep.