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Teardrops POV.

I awoke. My arm's paralysis had left me and all it was now was stinging and the sound of dripping from that area. I think we all know what that is.

I looked around. My sight wasnt as blurry as it was before passing out. I could see I was in a little forest area with a sillhouette holding a match. It was Book.

"Ah, Teardrop! Luckily, my... attack didnt hurt you too much. Thats why I want you to serve me! And you cant deny because you cant speak." Book said rather quickly. Everything felt so rushed so I could barely catch on but... I didnt want to further my pain so I just nodded.

Today was certainly an odd day and definitely the worst. I get a dream of two of my friends being killed, one of those friends ripping off my arm and now shes asking me to be her slave?! This is all too crazy!

"I dont know what I want you to do for me at the moment... oh! I know! You must stay in this forest. I cant have the other teams finding you. You're mine and only mine." Book said as she gripped me by my only full arm, looking me straight in the eyes.

"I will take over the game, Teardrop. You will help me. We will get through this! The thick and thin, the dark and light, the soft and tough... we will end this game with everyone at our knees!!" Book was completely losing her mind. What was up with her?

All of a sudden, there were rustles in bushes. I was pushed away from the sound and into another bush. I cant tell who was in the bushes and I couldnt make out who was speaking...

The conversation was slow. One was sarcastic, one was prideful but nervous, and the other was Book. I listened into the conversation.

"Book, we know that you have our Little Drop. Now let her leave. Everyone is rampaging for her and we're all growing reckless." How long was I passed out for?!

"Me?? No, no, no. I have her arm, y'see. I dont have her directly." I heard a rustle in the bush next to me as the voice got closer. It was definitely Book. She grabbed a clump of leaves, scratching her hand pretty badly but she hadnt a care in the world. She returned to the others from what I was hearing.

A match strike?! I quickly peeked out of the bushes to see Book throwing the match and the handful of leaves to the floor, lighting the ground ablaze. Who was she trying to eradicate? Lollipop and Taco.

"But I'll have your heads!" Book cackled as she ran into the bush I was in, swooping me up and carrying me away. I did my best to look over the side of Book but.. all I could see over there was the burning of nature. I heard the crackling of flames and screeches of pain. I didnt know if they were alive but it certainly wouldnt be a gurantee.

"And that Teardrop, is why I'm called the Candle Queen."

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