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- to make (someone) uncertain or unable to understand something

The previous chapter was nothing but a prank --

--like I would do such an half-assed event. Too bad, it wasn't a prank.

As much as it was pretty much a dick move to give you the littlest hope -- only to throw it away just as immediately -- your author here didn't have any other idea how I would write the introduction of this chapter. Without a doubt though, every single event in this book is part of the plot that this mediocre writing has to give.

"Excuse me, can I talk to (Y/N) real quick?" A certain dark purple haired teen questions, sending a polite smile towards the student whom had just stepped out of the said female's class. Expecting --rather, hoping for an immediate answer, the former delinquent feels his pulse increasing its rhythm at the sight of the teen's visible confusion for the name.

"Um... I don't think she's in our class."

At the random student's reply, Aren feels his shoulder's slumping from dissapointment, biting the inside of his cheeks as he casted his dark hues downwards. Forcing a lopsided smile etch on his lips, the bespectacled male mumbles out shakily. "I see. My mistake, then."

Watching the tall male laugh sheepishly, the stranger sends the boy a curt nod before making their way towards the hallway. Slowly dropping off the act, Aren's lips curve down to a forlorn smile, casting his gaze on the girl sat that on the middle row, staring outside the window with a dazed expression.

"Again, huh." A pang hits his chest everytime, slowly losing hope as it seemed every single time he attempts to bring up his female companion's name, aside from those in his circle of friends, the name of the (h/c) haired girl had always seemed foreign to them -- even with the fact that the girl had transferred in for over a year now.

He first thought it was simple mistake, but it would be impossible to overlook such a loudmouthed girl. As time gradually passes, the former delinquent can't help but notice how people had been slowly losing awareness of the girl -- a predicament he had been brooding for quite a while now.

Shaking off the dismal thoughts out of his mind, the grape haired teen heaves in a deep breath before ambling his way towards (Y/N)'s seat. Tapping her shoulder, Aren jabs a finger towards the exit of the room -- a gesture for them to head out. The (h/c) haired girl raised an eyebrow in question, before slowly rising from her seat.

"Let's go have lunch." Aren invited, presenting a well wrapped bentou in his dominant hand. At the sight of the blessing soon to migrate to its natural habitat -- the human stomach -- the (h/c) haired girl had visibly brightened, (e/c) hues twinkling.

"Let's go then, my boi! I'm famished." (Y/N) grinned, grabbing the wrapped lunch box from her good friend's grip before marching her way outside the fairly crowded classroom.

Shaking his head, the plum haired former delinquent followed suit, a fond smile edging up his lips as he rushed to the side of the girl he had pretty much adopted like some stray dog. Ruffling her hair in a friendly manner, both teens sent a grin towards each other cheekily as they were practically skipping their way towards the courtyard to feast on Aren's homemade cooking.

"Oh, right." The bespectacled male spoke up, earning him a hum and an inquisitive stare from the girl. "We're having chicken fillet today."

And, upon the last word had left Aren's mouth, he found himself fidgeting in panic at the sight of his (h/c) haired companion bawling her eyes out.

𝚄𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 • 𝙳𝚢𝚜𝚝𝚘𝚙𝚒𝚊 || Saiki KusuoWhere stories live. Discover now