Angels and Devils Explanation Chapter

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Ok, so this is a little explanation to my new series as there's quite a bit to know. It might get a little confusing so be prepared! Also this whole time Noelle (the girl in the last chapter) is gonna he speaking)

You know that thing humans call heaven and hell? I live there. Only thing is though, we have other creatures like wolves living amongst us.

When humans think of heaven and hell their minds go to demons and angels. The thing is though, it's not like that. Demons/devils and angels do exist but only people who were born in the after life are these. When a human dies they take form of their spirit animal and go to heaven or hell depending on how good of a person they were whilst living. There is a possibility of them being an angel or demon/devil but that only happens when a person is extremely pure or really corrupted.

People born in the afterlife take form of what their parents were, this doesn't necessarily mean they're bad or good. Until they're old enough to be classified as a "good" or "bad" person, us after life beings don't get to go to hell or heaven. We live in this rift in between heaven and hell and there are both devils/demons and angels there.

On our 18th birthdays the angel and devil royal family's get together and see through the angel or devils past doings and then decide where they belong depending on if they've done more good or more bad things.

Once it's been decided if the being is an angel or devil they're sent to heaven or hell. In hell, you're treated like a slave to the devil/demon royal family. In heaven, you choose a path in life and then do it. It's basically like them getting to have a life without ever being alive.

That only applies to common people though.

If a child is born in the demon/devil royal family evil is in their blood. They automatically do bad things, they can't control it, it's who they were destined to be. It's the same for an angel child but they're kind and do good things without knowing it.

I'm an angel.

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