No More.

11 2 1

Its feeling hard to breath
Not cause of humidity
Because of the epiphany
You have no regard for me
Nor for those who look like me
For those who could be family

It's feeling hard to breath
As you criticize and complain
With how I should carry this pain
Saying "With peaceful protest Martin Luther King Made change"

It's feeling hard to breathe
I'm choking back tears
I'm pissed beyond belief
I'm overcome with fears

It's feeling hard to breathe
I see no change
Just the same old same
With a whole new name
Law Enforcement, a thinly veiled kkk

Reeling and feeling overwhelmed
I'm exhausted
Please no more hashtags and tweets
Marching in streets
No more violence fought with peace

              - Lila Moore

I intended these poems to be light hearted and the rest will be. These past few days have felt very heavy. The murder of Breana Taylor, George  Floyd and so many others that go under the radar is heartbreaking and maddening.
This is not just a black person issue, it's a human issue. I'm tired and I know I'm not alone in this. Ready for a revolution.

#BlackLivesMatter #revolution

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