Chapter 1 - Shaken Ground

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Santana's POV -________________________________________________________________________________

I lost Brit Brit to trouty mouth ! ... all because he laid out a trail of lucky charms on the grotty stinking floor, made awful racist impressions and sang a love song. that's SOOO freaking charming. For one he has no buzz at this school, he's dated half the girls in lima, and works as a part time stripper. God knows what sexual transmitted diseases he is carrying. Brittany is so sweet and pure that even when I try to be mad at her; its quickly replaced by an overwhelming feeling of jealousy. Out of all the people in the world she could date; she chose someone who could shine peoples shoes with his mouth !

*School Bell Ring's * my shoulders were slumped forward from defeat as I tottered down McKinley halls only to see lady lips all up on my girl. I staggered to a halt as the fake smile plastered on my face began to falter. I know its not polite to eaves drop but hey; I'm from lima heights adjacent and I didn't grow up on polite. one time my abuela told me that being polite was a sign of weakness. She also made me believe my name was garbage face till I was 4.

" ugh I hate the sound of the bell, why can't it be a song... OOH LIKE BRITNEY SPEARS OR ITS A SMALL WORLD !! " Britney shrieked with a rush of enthusiasm.

" As senior president I could totally make this happen ! and as my co president you could help me pick the song ! "

" yeah that's genius ! but I don't think its a small world is a good idea. UNLESS you want people to lock you in a closet, and strip you from your presidency." Sam protested

" I wouldn't mind being locked in a closet as long as you are the one stripping me " Brittany softly uttered; as she leaned in closer and started to nibble seductively on Sam's ear. Sam's overly sized mouth spread wide into a cheesy grin.

I furrowed my brow in frustration and sharply exhaled to repress the tears glazing over my eyes. okay, I can't take this anymore... the love of my life. my best friend. Do those titles mean nothing to her; or am I nothing now. My stomach began to drop at the sight..
I cant even stand the thought; feeling my world turn upside down. I discreetly ran into the bathroom unable to keep my tears at bay; while I emptied the contents of my stomach. I suddenly felt a hand caressing my back and stroking my hair. My heart skipped a beat... could it be ?

" Brit ? "

" No its just me S " coming from the most purest and softly spoken voice " don't tell me your bulimic again, I thought we were passed this over a year ago !? "

" No Q I'm not bulimic, and if you must know its Sam and Brit, I know we were on a break but we didn't officially break up... out of all the peop.."

" shh I know " Quinn softly interrupted " but the distance was killing you two, and I honestly think you made the mature call. would you rather suffer living through a Bram phase or have something happen to you and Brit that's not redeemable. you said it yourself S ! long distance sucks and it deprives each person of there needs "

I began choking on my words while I sobbed endlessly " ye-yeah I kn-know... I guess you are right, but I'm just worried that maybe she finds someone better than me in the end, like I kn-know I'm super hot and all but what if she de-decides a guy can give her more than I c-can ? " I leaned up and gently pushed my elbows off from the bowel of the toilet, my hair was all over the place and felt the mascara settling on the sides of my cheeks

" Oh Santana you're a hot mess, come on .. lets get you cleaned up " Quinn grabbed my waist and helped me up as I found myself back on my feet. we went over to the sink to reapply some makeup. As I jerked my head up to look at the mirror I noticed my blue and black tight skin dress was stained on the shoulder pads in black mascara.

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