BIG BIG sorry :(

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update: 09.06.2020

i really am so sorry for this, but i will decline all the requests. i know some of you have been waiting for a long time to request and some of you are still waiting for their covers/edits but i really don't have the time right now. i am really busy with uni and i have lots of projects and stuff to do and is very important for me to pass all of them. 

i will make up to you all, i promise, but right know i need to focus only on this cause it's more important.  i will open my graphics book maybe in july or smth; the thing is...i worked so much on pc and i still do and for me to spend another 6-8 our on the perfect cover ...i will literally go blind hahaha i will need a break from my pc after all this online university thing.

also, i will write on my book soon. it's been a long time and i feel like i neglected my writing passion and bcs it's been so long since i wrote anything, i should re-read all the existing chapters, maybe change them...but i will finish this book. i will never get rid of it.

Love  you all and im so sorry.

ALSO YOU CAN REQUEST COVERS/OTHER THINGS FROM MY GIRL NATALIAAAAAAA @lyndsey if she's still taking requests (she s amazing i love her)xx 

PS: working on some cool stuff in the future so please check my IG when you want haha 

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