Chapter 5

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We had been driving for about 5 hours and we still weren't there. Joe insisted that we drive because he wanted to see the countryside - no worry that I'm in a rush. We arrived at a small town about an hour out of our destination where we stopped to have a quick break. We got back to the rental car when Joe was noticed by about 15 young teenage girls. Joe being Joe, he stopped and got pictures with the girls and whatever else. When he was done he quickly hopped into the passenger seat.

'Step on it sweetie' he said whilst trying to get comfy in his seat.

'Y-yeah sure why the rush' I asked, whilst taking off down the road.

'Theres more coming. We need to leave NOW before we never get out'. It only took us an hour of small talk and radio blasting before we arrived at the place where my family was staying.

'Babe, it will be okay. I'll be here for you the whole time and we will get through this together'. Gosh, Joe can calm me down just by speaking. It was amazing how much of an affect he has on me, seeing as we've only known each other for about 2 years (best 2 years of my life). We got out of the car and checked in, finding out what rooms everyone was staying in. We decided to surprise my dad first and we could explain the situation to him. We dropped our stuff into our room and set off to room 111.

'Are you ready to meet my dad' I asked calmly.

'I was born ready baby' Joe said back, smirking with his famous smirk. *knock* *knock*

'yeah just a sec' I heard my dad yell through the room. I squeezed Joe's hand one last time before dad opened the door.

'G-Grace? Darling what are you doing here? And who-who is he?' Dad asked as he opened the door.

'Dad I came to help sort out this whole situation. And this is Joe. My bo-boyfriend.' I responded, stuttering at the end, still squeezing Joe's hand.

'Oh um um Well then... Joe I'm Graces father, Carl'

'Yes, it is a pleasure to meet you Sir. I've heard nothing but good things about you from your daughter.' Joe spoke, quite calmly and professionally.

'Please, call me Carl. Would you both like to come in? We could discuss this family issue in more privacy'

'Yes dad, that would be great'. We followed dad into the room still hand in hand. Now to finally discuss why I'm here.


We came into Dads hotel room and Joe and I sat down together on the three-seater lounge, whilst dad sat opposite us on a single seat. We sat there for quite a few minutes in silence before he finally spoke up. '

So what are you two doing back? I mean... Umm...' dad stutters, unsure where to take the conversation.

'We're here because of Hunter... I want to help him and there's thing he told me that make me worry for his well being. Do you know where he is right now Dad?'

'He is in his hotel room, and his father is going to meet him in about' he rambles on, whilst checking the time over our shoulders 'in about 1/2 hour. So if you want to talk to him, you better make it quick.'

'Thanks Dad' I say as Joe and I get up to go out the door. Just as we get to the door, dad pulls back on my arms.

'What are you going to say about Joe to your brother? You know he won't be to pleased' he whispered into my ear.

'I know but we will see how this goes. You accept it, he can live with it. Now, which room is Hunter in?' I asked, making sure dad understood how I felt. Once we exchanged the information, I headed out the door to find Joe standing there waiting for me.

'So... What was that about? I'm sorry if he doesn't like me' Joe starts to mumble off.

'No not at all! He is quite fond of you from what I can tell. It's just going to be my brother that's all!' I reassured him, walking hand in hand to Hunter's room. When we got to the door, we knocked but there was no response


Sorry it took me so long to update! Hopefully I will be able to update more often soon as I have finished with school!! (I live in Australia)!

Thanks for reading xxxxxx ❤❤

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