The Reception

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When we arrived at the place where the reception was...there was a giant row of people in a line waiting to get inside.

"What's going on?" I asked Hanji who was the 3rd person in line.

"Oh Hi Levi! They're checking peoples IDs cause apparently a bunch of uninvited teenagers tried to get in but they got caught so yeah...this is happening.  AND THE DAMN LINE ISNT EVEN MOVING!" She got furious.

I did on of those fake coughs and pointed to my sleeping daughter that I was carrying on my shoulders.

"Oh...Ok...No cursing" She tried to calm herself down.

The line was too damn long for me to wait so I just decided to go up to the bouncer and make him let me inside.

"Hey Jean! Can I get in? I am the brides brother!"

He sighed and just decided to let me inside instead of going through a long argument which he would've lost anyways.

I saw a bunch of (y/n)s old friends everywhere...I only knew them because they came over all the god damn time!

I then saw (y/n) who was in the center of the room dancing with Sasha and Mikasa and some other girls...Including Armin.

Upstairs there was a daycare where all the parents can drop off their kids while they party and that's where I took Isabelle.

The party was long and boring, I just spent most of my time at the bar drinking expensive stuff that tasted like crap, which was the whole point. I wanted to drink stuff that tasted like crap so I would want more.

The reception was finally over and everyone went home ....including me.

When we got home, I put Isabelle to bed and plopped down onto my bed.

"How was the reception?" Asked Kayla who was reading one of her favorite books which she had read over 30 times.

"It was interesting...and boring"

"I figured it would usually don't like parties unless there's a bar! Wait, was there a bar?"

I just slowly nodded my head yes.

"Damn it!" She cursed and put her book back down onto the bed.

"Don't worry, I didn't get TOO drunk" I laughed.

"Your a jerk" She smirked and gave me an evil eye.

"But I'm your jerk!" I replied and kissed her.

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