Free Will

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Sam laid his hand on Cas's forehead and shook his head, "He's getting colder. That can't be good." 

Dean stood up, "We need to get him to a hospital." 

"We can't." 


"We don't know what's going on with him. The angel side, not the body." Sam sighed, "If he comes back at full power or wakes up in a bad way he could wipe out the entire hospital without realizing it. We can't take that risk, think about how badly he'd feel." 

Dean closed his eyes and sat back down, "Damn it. I didn't think about that. There's got to be something we can do other than just sit here and watch him fade like this." 

"Dean, he's an angel, not human. I know we forget that a lot but we really know nothing about what that means. I mean we know what he can do, but not what it takes to keep him alive. From everything we've seen the only thing that would help him is to get him more Grace," Sam shrugged, "As far as I know there is no sure fire way to summon an angel. Any time we needed one Cas called them to us. They're not like demons." He caught the look on Dean's face, "Hey, no! Don't even think about it. We are not going out to hunt the angels, if it was angels, that did this to him and leave him here like this. We have no idea where to look for starters and we sure as hell don't know how many there were." 

Dean's lips curled in frustration because as much as he hated to admit it , Sam was right. "So what, we sit here?" 

"We could pray for him," Sam said. 

"Yeah so every angel that has a grudge against him would know where he is? Bright idea Sam." 

"Who said we would have to say his name? Besides, didn't he mention that one angel, Hannah, that he was working with. Maybe we could pray to her and just say our friend is very ill. She might get the hint." 

"I don't know Sam, after Gadreel and Metatron," Dean left it hanging

"Yeah, I don't trust them much either but it's the only thing I can think of." 

"I'll get some holy oil just in case. Don't start until I get back." 

"That will not be necessary Dean Winchester." A soft, feminine voice echoed inside of Dean's mind, he could tell by the startled look on Sam's face that he had heard it too. 


"Yes." A sad sigh whispered through the vaults of their minds. "Oh Castiel, why?" 

"How is it we can hear you without getting our ears blown out?" Dean asked. 

"The ones who are of lower rank, like myself, are messengers to humans. The more powerful the angel, the more powerful their true voice is. Castiel used to be one of the strongest of us."

"Hannah," Sam said, "Is there a way we can help him?" 

"Jimmy Novak died when Lucifer destroyed Castiel. When he was reassembled the physical body became Castiel's own. Castiel was not merely inhabiting it, it was him, which is why the stolen Grace is having such a detrimental affect on it. There is no soul keeping this body alive as Castiel weakens, nothing for Castiel to pull on to heal himself if need be. If Castiel truly chooses to fade, this body will as well. I am not even sure if he could truly become just an angel again at this point. I feel as if his Grace and this body are so fully integrated that without the one the other would not survive, but I am not sure." 

"Chooses to fade? Why would he do that?" Dean asked. 

"Dean, you of all people, should know the answer to that question with what has been on your mind lately."

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