chapter 13

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He was walking back and forth. It was straight 24 hours and he's still not sleeping. He's trying his best to stay awake for y/n, he wants to protect her and her friends.

Rae and loraine already woke up. Its just her thats still asleep.

"Jungkook it hink you should sleep" rae said
"Yeah those eyebags are getting bigger." Loraine said which made him sighed

"I need to stay awake. I already lost her once, i dont wanna lose her again" he responded

Rae started brushing y/n's hair.
"We both know what she's been through, and that you are with her in the past. But you can't just waste all of your strength. You might get sick jungkook, and y/n won't appreciate that"

THEY DIDN'T know what i was doing, i was pretending to sleep and heard all of their conversation.

But those words that kook said made me wonder
"I already lost her once. I dont wanna lose her again"

What does he mean? Have we met before that which i didn't remember?
It sucks to not be able to remember anything about the past

She always wishes for her memories to comeback. She wanted to know if she's a good person back then. But she couldn't remember anything, no matter how hard she tries.

Maybe she'll ask him what happened before. But not now because he has so many problems. I don't want to stress him out.

I opened my eyes pretending i didn't hear anything they said.

"Y/n! Are you ok now?" Jungkook didn't even blink. He was desperate to knoe if i was ok

"Im ok now kookie. You must sleep, look at your eyebags its getting bigger" he putted his hand in his face making me cup it

"I'll do everything to keep you safe" and with that he hugged her tightly

"Im sorry if you got in to this mess. Jessie just doesn't wanna stop, she wants to kill you, and wants me for herself" she breathed a soft breath and planting a kiss on his cheek
"What ever happens, we'll face it together"

He hugged her tightly

Maybe i'll ask you this question if everything is over.

Its not gonna be easy but they'll do their best to end this. What ever this is.

It was heartswarming that jungkook is trying his best just to keep her safe.
Maybe its because he doesn't know that she's a badass to

In a blink of an eye. She didn't notice jungkook was already asleep with his head on her chest resting.

He looks so peaceful, "Sleep well kookie" and with that she rested her head in his.

She kissed his forehead before going into deep slumber.

SHE DOESN't know what time it was but jungkook was still asleep. It was suprisingly cold and quiet here. Almost looking a haunted house

She does know that their in a safety bunker. But she never expected it to be this quiet

Few minutes later jungkook woke up to. His hair was a mess, he rubbed his eyes and looked at her
"Hello" she said

He just showed his bunny smile and looked at his watch
"We've been sleeping for 17 hours."

She cupped her own mouth in shock
"Wait? Uhm i think i forgot turn off the electronics and i think the oven is still open. Jungkook the house is gonna bu-"

"Shhhh its ok its ok relax i took care of it" she nodded at what he said and sighed in relief
"Well can we go home now?"
Sadly he shook his head and got up
"No we can't its still dangerous out there. Im scared of what will happen if we go out now" a soft smile appeared on her face

"Well" she reached for the laptop thats beside the table
"Y/n no don't touch that. I've been tracking where she is so we can have a go signal when to leave if its to dangerous"

"I got this kookie don't worry"
And with that she entered the website where you can download that software for hackers

After that she was typing some key codes to the laptop and to jungkook's suprise they we're be able to see whats going on with that device.

She can see that this device was being used by jessie

And with the smirk never leaving her face she speaked
"Attention to all of you. Let this be a warning" her voice sounded like siri and with just one click the camera disappeared.

She clapped her hands as she was like getting the dust off of her hand
"That was easy"

"How'd you do that?!" Jungkook said. Still amazed by her
"I just transfered the virus that i made to her laptop. And that virus i created can make someone's device explode into oblivion. She might get injured but she's not dead" her calmness never leaving her which made him more amazed

"I didn't know my girl is a badass!"
"Thats one for me. I'll serve you as my leaderboard. Im not saying if i lose to her then she'll have you. I'll play a game with her. A dangerous one"

To her shock the door busted out open revealing both of her friends. An they hugged her "Im so glad your okay now"

"Im fine girls its ok. How about you two? Did your wounds already healed?" They both nodded
"Though we have to keep this bandages. But its going fine so far"

"Well. We'll be on our way now y/n we'll let you rest you two. And jungkook please take a bath your so stinky" rae said which made her laugh

Jungkook pouted "Baby look at them their bullying me" and with that she sniffs him two which made him look at her
"You do smell stinky kook" she cupped her face and laughed at his reaction
"Even my baby is bullying me. So mean hmp!" And with that the girls ran out and starts laughing "fine ill go and take a shower"

He was about to go when he turned to her "Does your middle still hurts?" He suddenly asked
"Nope its ok now"

"Ohhhh looks like im gonna have my sexy time later" he smirked
"Eheh no you won't" she smirked to which made his shoulders fall and pouted "Why are you bullying me?"

"Because its fun"
"So mean" he replied before going out and take a shower

              ♡END OF CHAPTER♡

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