Since this is a tag has time limit, I normally be a bit salty doing it and complains a bit but, since it's been a long time since someone tagged, I'll do it
♡ Who mentioned you
I was tagged by fnafdemon♡ Do it less than 3 days
Done!♡ Say 10 things about yourself
1. I dislike fruits
2. I will be 16 this year~♡
3. My sister has been dragging me into playing roblox and I guess the game kinda grow on me
4. I'm the class secretary in class
5. I went to kindergarten when I was 5 years old, not six. That's why I'm a bit younger than most of my classmates
6. I'm 150 cm, I doubt I'll grow more than 2 cm
7. I've been missing a lot of people these days, don't know why
8. I'm worried that my 6th grade little sister will be taller than me
9. I've developed a knack for learning recipes from the internet
10. I don't know why but, I seems to develop crushes on people easily.
♡ Put a title on the tag
Already did~♡ Tell a joke
What did a pencil said to the other pencil?
"You look sharp"
It's not funny at all, I'm aware
♡ Write a spoiler for one of your stories
To those who read my book, "Never-Ending Strings of Past"
There may or may not some developements on Stacey's relationship with Loke, and a small love triangle with Anthony
Though, as "Never-Ending Strings of Past" is a fantasy book, I will try not to slip the romance too much into the story, unlike the earlier version of the book that I unpublished.
Yeah, that version is super bad because I wrote the chapters based on feelings and personal imagination so, it's messy and didn't match the theme of the story
♡ Put these rules in your tag
Already did!♡ Tag 28 people
I tagged 5 because I don't know who to tag