A Turn Of Events

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At Emma's end

Emma : what happened (she said waking up and rubbing her head looking at Mike)
Mike : you just blacked out for about 6 hours after I explained to you what happened
Emma : did they get back since last time?
Mike : no... Why?
Emma : We need to get out of here!!
Mike : we??
Emma : yes we.... Aren't you on Jack's side?
Mike : how'd you.... Did you get your memories back!?
Emma : most of them... (she said while trying to stand up) anyway.. You have something to contact Jack with right??
Mike : (looking at her confused) yes... Why??
Emma : just hand it and help me
Mike : wai...wait you're not in shape we won't be able to get out....(he said while looking at her trying to get her hands out) We don't even know where we are or this place!!?
Emma : can you stop talking and get my hands out!!
Mike : OK... But I'm telling you it's useless (he said helping her out of the ropes and giving her the phone) how will we get out?? What if we're caught??
Emma : I know where we are and the inside structure of this place... As for getting caught... We'll just have to press our luck with that and about me being not in shape... You don't even know me I just took a slap this is nothing to me (she said rubbing her wrists and cracking her neck)
Mike : are you sure about this??
Emma : what?? You don't trust me?? (she said looking at him)
Mike : no... I mean.. When did you find out about this place? You even know the interior!?
Emma : about two months after I contacted you guys (she said while taking of her heals and looking underneath them)
Mike : an.. And you didn't tell us? (he said looking at what she is doing strangely)
Emma : I knew where they but I didn't find any strong evidence but....are we really going to discuss this now(she said tiltlting her head and looking at him while breaking her shoe heels and tiying one of them to a stick) take this we'll need it (she said handing him the tied heel)
Mike : why would I need a shoe heel tied to a stick?? (he said looking at her confused)

(Emma came neer him and twisted the heel and a sharp small knife came out of it Mike was surprised while Emma looked at him smirking)

Mike : are you sure you lost your memories before... If you did.. Then how did you wear that kink of heels??
Emma : I hid tools in all my shoes... (she said looking at him) You think I'd get involved in all this with out preparations..
Mike : if we get out of here alive make sure to give me some tips (he said looking amazed)
Emma : OK.. Now let's get out of here (she said while walking towards the door and slowly opening it) it's clear let's go

(Emma and Mike walked out to the hallway Emma was taking the lead and Mike watched her back. They went into a couple of hallways and Emma said they were close the Emma tripped and Mike ran over to her)

Mike : are you alright!!? (Emma nodded)
... : who is there!! (thy quickly got up a hid around the corner)
.... : whats wrong is someone there?
... : I heard a fall and I think I saw someone there
Emma : psst... Follow me
(Mike followed her and soon they were behind the two guys)
Mike : now!!
(Emma and Mike smashed the sticks on their head and both men blacked out and Emma and Mike carried them and bid them away)
Mike : great job
Emma : thanks
(they said giving each other a high five)
Emma : now let's go
(they continued walking a bit more)
Emma : that's it! There is the exit! (she said pointing at a large dood at the end of the hallway when suddenly she heard)
Alex : looks like I went easy on you (he said looking at Emma) and Mike.. Who would've taught you were with Jack (shaking his head) and to think I had high hopes for you kill them!!
Emma : wait!!! (she shouted) I...I'll tell you the place I hid the evidence in
(Alex looked at her confused and Mike was shocked)
Mike : what are you doing!! Are you nuts!!
Alex : shut him up!! ( he told three guys behind him and they immediately went to Mike and tied him up)
Alex : and why would I believe you??
Emma : I... I never intended to help the Knights and all the evidence that I have are against them (Alex looked at her allowing her to continue) m... My friend died because he trusted the leader to much th... that's why I hate them and I was gathering evidence against them while acting as if I'm helping them to get them down
Alex : I still don't have any thing to believe you thaugh
Emma : fine... I.. I'll tell you where the evidence is and you can check yourself
Alex : speak up
Emma : in my apartment send your men there
(Alex sent  five men there and after half an hour Alex's phone rang)
{.... : sir we're here... Where should we look?}
Alex : tell them where (he said giving Emma the phone)
Emma : th... The study room's curtain... You should pull and then a black box will fall from under the desk
(Alex took the phone from Emma)
Alex : is it there
{... : yes sir}
Alex : looks like you weren't lying afterall(he said looking at Emma then speaking in the phone again) good job guys now bring the box and come back
(Alex hung up the phone and after another half an hour the boys came back)
.... : sir this is the box
Alex : open it
.... : it has a pass code
Alex : what is it (he said looking at Emma)
Emaa : it's (she was cut off by Mike trying to struggle and he was trying to shout even though he mouth was taped but his shouts was cut of by one of the men standing feside him kicking him in the stomach then Emma said) wait it's true that I hate the Knights but.. Mike didn't do any thing h.. he is just a victom like my friend.. So please don't hurt him and... I think I can convince him to turn to our side (she said while walking beside Mike and pushing away the guy that kicked him and when the guy was about to catch her he was stopped by Alex)
Alex : leave them alone (he said to the guy and the looker at Emma and said) that depends on what kind of evidence you have to prove you're on our side now tell me the pass code
Emma : 1304
Alex : try it (he said to one of the guys)
.... : it opened
Alex : what's this

This time I won't give you any questions that could help you guess the next chapter so stay tuned and anticipate

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