This is me, an average child who you just saw passed you by. As you pass me by you will be looking at my features, my skin tone length of my hair you might even notice if I have piercings or not. Thats all relevant but I will mention why later, right now lets look at what went on in my head at that moment.
The world was passing by while my physical attributes brought me to a destination that was hidden in the back of my subconscious I was wondering why people do what they do. What is the point of that powerful looking man crossing the street, why is there a hideous driver waiting in a car biting his nails. Would it not be easier to tend to his nails back at home with the proper utensils? Then again why am I thinking about what he is doing should I not be figuring out where my subconscious was bringing me, before I have the right to ask these questions?I wonder if it is of any importance where I'm going, but then again what is considered important. As you can see The kid you just consciously analysed has a whole lot more going on than is to be seen on the outside. But thats not important to you and you analysing him was definitely not important to him because he took no notice. He took notice of other things that his conscious considered important for him to think about.
What was important was decided per individual. right now you are reading my typed words and somehow you found it worth your while to read this.
What I want to say is something that has been said by many people in the past and because of this I do not really feel original, however! Before I read other "philosophers" point of view I believed this as true.
"Importance is relevant to each and every ones own point of view."
This sentence alone can mean a lot of things and to continue writing and elaborating my point of view on it I would rather each and every person think about and decide for themselves, freedom to think is freedom to grow.