My Romeo- CHAPTER 2

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*Kim Taehyung*

I knocked at Jimins door.


I heard the door open and saw Jimin standing in front.

"Oi! You didn't tell me that you are coming!" He said.

I rolled my eyes starting to enter his apartment.

"I always come here. You know that!" I said.

I looked around and i was surprised. He had a guess.

"Hi Taehyung!" He greeted.

"Hi Yoongi Hyung! How are you?" I asked

Yoongi is Jimins boyfriend, we are very close together. Jimin doesn't keep secrets from me.

"Fine. As always. How about you?" He muttered.

"Uhh... I-I'm fine too.. Ehe... By the way, i brought a cake!" I said lifting up the box I'm holding.

"Really?! Omo! I'm craving for cakes! Glad you brought one." Jimin said.

I just chuckled and i went to the kitchen to prepare the cake.

"For you. For you. And for me!" I said handling them their cakes.

"You do really love strawberries, Taehyung!"-Yoongi.

"You bet I do!" I said and giggled.

After a lot of talking, i got up so i can go home. Its already late tho.

"Guys i need to go! Thank you for the time!" I bid goodbye and went out.


I opened the door seeing my dad sitting at the couch.

"How's work?" He asked.

I just responded an 'Mmm' and went upstairs.

I wen the bathroom. Its really hot, its summer.
I took a shower and and i wore an oversized t-shirt.

I went out of my room and got to the kitchen.

I saw Lisa walking over.

"Heyyyy!" She said.

"What do you want?" I said coldly.

"Oh nothing!" She said. She started holding the vase from the counter and suddenly...

"Oops!" She said. She purposely pushed the vase.

"What was that?! I heard a glass broke!" My dad ran into the kitchen.

Lisa started fake crying. Girl, you can be an actress.

"D-dad, T-taehyung slapped me. I don't know why, he told me that he is angry, he then purposely pushed the vase!" Lisa fake cried.

Oh boy! Here we go again. Every day! That's what she wants, me being scolded, blamed and everything all day long!

"Taehyung! Is that true?"- Dad.

"Why do you even ask? If i said no. Will you even believe me?! You always believe that brat! Ok. Lets just say. Oh I bRoke tHe vAse I sLaPpeD lIsA cAuse Im mAd At hEr. You guys happy now?!" I shouted.

"I cant believe people like you guys even EXIST!" I shouted one last time and stormed out of the kitchen going straight to my room.

Geez! Every day! Like EVERY SINGLE FUCKING DAY! Will this even end?!

I want this thing to END!

I want my life to END! I don't even have the rights to live.

Since Mom died. Since Mom left us, i mean left me! I already wished that i should be the one who died.

I buried my face on my pillow releasing tears on my eyes.

I cried a lot. Causing my eyes being puffy.

I went to the bathroom getting my blade at the cabinet.

I started putting wounds on my wrist.

Wait.... This ain't enough.

I laugh silently without any reason.

I think i should... Die!

I have been depressed, possessed.

I went out and started running.

I brought myself to a bridge. I high bridge.

I went up at the bridge's corner. I stood up, closing my eyes.

Tears started to fall. I let out a shaky deep breath.

Mom. I'm coming. Please, i want to be with you. I don't want to live anymore. I hate my life! I hate myself. I hate every single thing. I want to die. I want to be with you. So, I'm coming.

I said to myself. More and more tears escaping my eyes.

I was about to jump when someone just pulled me out of the bridge.

"Oh no! Stooop! Don't jump!" A random guys yelled and pulled me.

Who is this guy? Why does he even care?


Hi guys! I'm really hap some people are reading my story. I also received some votes, hope my votes gets more higher. By the way, thank you for everything!
Thanks for the votes, supports, and readings. See you at the next update :*

My Romeo | Original | TaeKook FF | ON GOING:Where stories live. Discover now