💕Everyone's Love💕

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From XxSandstorm1xX
Hello! I hope that you are feeling better! I wanted you to know that I've been thinking of you. We all hope that you feel better soon!

From absentwryter

Dear Salsa,
You were the first person to read my unpublished book and you gave me the sweetest comments and encouragement and urged me to publish it here.

Well, guess what gurl? I'm not going to do that until you're back! So get well soon and my thoughts are with you. ;)

I can't wait to have you back! You are such a person, I thank God for you.

Remember, in its only when it's only in the dark when stars shine the brightest.
Love, Faithful.❤❤❤

From 13WalkingDict

Hey! I know you don't know me, I don't even know you, but I know that you went through surgery because of cancer. I just wanted to say that your attitude towards the disease was just so... strong. And that's what everyone needs: positivity and, because why not, laughter.
You're a real fighter, you've survived and... I AM SO PROUD OF YOU. My great-uncle didn't manage to survive his cancer, so seeing that you've made it AND WILL MAKE IT, is just so heart-warming.
I know you'll wake up from this coma, and you will get better, I wish you all the best. Now, I know this is unnecessary information, and my message is already like super long, but since 'laughter is the best medicine', I think I'll tell you an embarrassing story of mine: I fell. Yes, I fell. In a dress. Yes. At school. Yes. Down the stairs. Yup. And, last but not the least, onto my crush. Hooray!
That kinda sucked, didn't it? But oh well. Get well soon and stay strong ❤ I believe in you (even though you might not believe in me)!

From MegMcCaffrey12

Salsa is friendly, empathetic and nice. She's my virtual best friend and I love talking/chatting with her. She's a wonderful person.

From this_nerd_here
Salsabeel, you've been so nice to me ever since I discovered your account. I'm so happy your surgery was a success and I pray for your quick recovery. We really miss you and we love you. Take care❤️❤️❤️

From ArlindiZemra
Just wanted to swing by, to share my prayers for Salsa. I didn't know her that well, but we talked a few times, and she really was the sweetest person ever. I just really hope that she'll be okay. Sending love and encouragement and a lot of strength to her!
Her situation made me realize how granted we take life for, and we sometimes complain about small things, while there are people like Salsa fighting for their lives. I am really happy and lucky that I got to know and talk with such a sweet and positive person.

Stay Strong

From Taciann
Hey dear
You're a very strong person and I know you'd come out safe and sound.
I wish you a safe recovery, I believe God will surely you see you through Amen.

From CinnamonRollStar
Hey Salsa, I'm so happy you're going to be okay and that the surgery was successful. We had only just started talking, but I could already tell that you're a SUPER kind, smart, and beautiful girl. I really enjoyed our little conversation, even if it was only a few messages, and I hope that we can continue talking once you're all recovered. Once again, I'm so, so happy that the surgery was successful and that you're going to wake up and be okay. ♥️

This Is For You Salsa!Where stories live. Discover now