₈; The Basement

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(That music/song shall forever be the theme song for this story haha I advise not to listen to it during the night trust me)

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(That music/song shall forever be the theme song for this story haha I advise not to listen to it during the night trust me)

Jimin sat frozen in his place the long claws on his shoulders dug into his skin. It was quick to quick for his liking.

In sudden movements, his body was flung to the wall making everyone scream including him. "Jimin!" Chaeyoung screamed in horror.

"Guys don't let this thing kill me!" Jimin shouted the pain on his shoulders increasing by the second.

"Grab him." Yoongi ordered standing up with the others quickly following suit.

Everyone grabbed one of Jimin's limbs and pulled him making the hands let go of Jimin. The sudden release made everyone stubble back. They all crawled away from the wall turning their backs towards the old chimney.

"What the fuck was that." Jin cursed shocked at the situation.

"I saw hands holding him up." Jennie said huffing for air.

"Are you okay?" Chaeyoung asked Jimin.

"My shoulders hurt like a bitch right now." He replied rubbing them.

"Momma is mad now. Why did you make her mad." A little girl's voice echoed in the room.

Everyone felt a chill roll down their spines. What did the girl mean by making her mad.

"She's going to hurt us now. She'll hurt you now." This time it was a boy who spoke.

"That's it Taehyung and Jungkook help me bust down the door we're leaving this place." Namjoon said making the boys nod.

It was silent—no she was silent. Like a feather falling no such noise was heard. The room significantly got colder as she climbed out of the chimney. Her dark long claws wrapped themselves on the sides of the bricks.

Black goo oozed from her hollow eyes as she watched them organize a plan. Her mouth opened showing her long jagged teeth stained with dry blood. Without hesitation, she dashed forward towards the group.

"Hoseok can you stop breathing down my neck." Lisa mumbled making Hoseok furrow his brows.

"Lisa I'm not breathing near you." Hoseok replied making Lisa feel another heavy breath.

"Then who the hell." She turned back and was stunned. Her eyes stared straight into the hollow ones that belonged to the woman who tormented the dead kids; who was tormenting them.

Small cracking noises along with hollow breathes emitted out of the woman's mouth. Her head moved slightly to the side as if a broken roundup doll would. Lisa internally winced as she heard the nasty cracks of her bones.

Opening her mouth and Lisa tried to scream but no such sound exited her throat. Instead, black blood poured out of her mouth dripping all over the floor and her clothes. Fear and disgust flushed her system as she continuously wiped her mouth.

The woman grinned evilly and grabbed Lisa by the hair pulling her towards the chimney.

"Lisa!" Jungkook screamed as Lisa quickly passed by him.

Lisa screamed and kicked as the woman pulled her, "Help me!" She screamed for the last time before descending into the chimney.

Everyone ran and screamed Lisa's name. They heard her screams echo throughout the chimney as they looked down.

"Hand me a light!" Yoongi shouted.

Jin quickly fumbled for his phone and turned on the flashlight setting. Handing it to Yoongi he aimed the light down the chimney and what they saw shocked them.

Red and black handprints covered the bricks along with deep scratch marks. Dry blood coated the walls the closer the bricks went towards the ground. Yoongi squinted his eyes as he saw something at the bottom of the chimney.

Feeling the light the figure looked up making everyone's hearts stop in unison. The little boy looked at them with a grin on his face, stitches were messily sewed on his mouth and eyelids. Quickly the little boy ran from their sight.

The sounds of loud whispering rung in everyone's ears as they backed away from the chimney in fear.

Jennie hiccuped a sob as she buried her face into Taehyung's chest. She couldn't believe her friend was taken from their grasps.

"We need to get down there." Jungkook said tears clouding his eyes.

"And we will just hold on we have to find another way down then that narrow place." Namjoon replied.

"Hyung my girlfriend was just taken by a fucking spirt we need to move fast!" Jungkook shouted his emotions taking full hold on his mind.

"Jungkook we will please think logically here there must be a safer way to get down there. Just breathe slowly and calm down. We'll get her back trust us." Jisoo said tears also welling up in her eyes but she needed to keep her composer. Jungkook nodded and sniffled as he was embraced by her.

"Finally someone to play with momma will be so happy." A boy's voice was heard this time around. He giggled after he finished talking sending shivers down everyone's spines.

"Someone look up the carpets or a door leading to the basement. We can risk wasting any time." Jin said making everyone hastily search the house.

As Jungkook was searching around the house he heard a small giggle making him turn. A little girl was standing at the foot of the door giggling as she watched him.

Jungkook furrowed his brows and chased after the girl when she ran. Turning into the hallway he heard her giggles ring throughout the walls but she was nowhere in sight.

"Guys I think I found the way down!" He shouted seeing a door that was covered with the hallways wallpaper. They would have missed it if it weren't for the small door handle. Everyone came rushing to Jungkook's side.

"So we have to go through that door." Hoseok said gulping in fear.

"Alright everyone has their phones with them right?" Jimin asked earning a yes from everyone.

"Let's get Lisa back and get the hell out of this place." Jennie said as Jungkook moved his hand towards the knob.

To be continued
|oop I know all of you are
going to hate me for making
the ghosts take Lisa. But I hope
you enjoyed this chapter 💜
I'll try to update soon|

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