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LILLIAN SAT IN HER GARDEN once more. Her and Noah were still together, but she had yet to tell him or Jo about wha happened. She sighed, placing down her tools and walked into the house and up into the attic where Jo lived.

It was nearly bed time but Lily walked up to the attic to tell Jo. She felt Jo had to know, even if she was gonna be angry at her. "Jo." She said and Jo turned around a small smile coming on her face. "Can we talk?" She asked and Jo nodded patting a spot next to her.

Lily sat down and Jo leaned her head on her shoulder. "I have something important to tell you, and your gonna be angry at me for it but you must know." She said and Jo nodded her head still on Lily's shoulder.

"Laurie kissed me yesterday." She eventually got out. Jo sat up and looked to her sister tears springing to her eyes, "It meant nothing, he only did it because he was upset and needed affection-" She said quickly as she stood up watching Jo back up and putting her hands up.

"No." Jo said shaking her head. "Please you must believe me, I kissed back but only for a a quick millisecond, please Jo." Lily begged as Jo shook her head and wiped her tears. "No no no. I told you! I told you I loved him!" Jo begged.

"I know. I know, that's why I pushed him away!" She said as Jo grew angry, "I know you have feelings for him! You just wanted him for yourself! This is all your fault! Now he won't ask my again because of you!" Jo yelled at the girl. Marmee and Beth walked up the stairs to see the two yelling at each other.

"No it's not Jo! He didn't mean to! He doesn't love me, he loves you! Please Jo you have to believe me, this was never meant to happen!" Lily begged as she tried to step forward but Jo pushed her back. Marmee walked up and stood between the girls, but they ignored her.

"You have feelings for him, I know it! You can't lie to me!" Jo yelled at the girl. Lily stayed silent putting her head down in shame. That was all Jo needed to freak out. "Get out! Get out! Get out of my room! Noah was right to cheat on you! Your a horrid horrid girl!" Yelled Jo.

Lily sobbed before running past Beth and ignoring Marmee's calls as she ran out of the house with no shoes, or coat on.

She didn't know where to run but she did. She ended up with her nightgown ripped and muddy, her feet were dirty and bleeding from the sticks and she was sobbing as she stood in front of the Olsen home.

She knocked and Noah answered it. He looked at the girl in front of him and pulled her into a hug. He let her sob into his chest even though he didn't know why she was even there that late.

Dorian walked down the stairs but Noah just shook his head. Noah's heart broke at the site of the girl just broken.


IT WAS LATE AT NIGHT WHEN LILY FINALLY STOPPED crying and got a bath from Mona their maid. She laid in one of Noah's shirts and pants as her nightgown was to dirty to wear to bed. She sat in Noah's room her head on his shoulder as he drew circles on her back.

"We have to talk about why you were here this late dirty and crying." Noah spoke softly, not wanting the girl to freak out. Lily nodded, "Laurie kissed me today." She blurted out. Noah's hand dropped and he looked at the girl hurt evident on his face.

"It was not like that! He proposed to Jo and she turned him down then he kissed me as he was looking for affection! I didn't kiss back and pushed him off of me." She lied through her teeth, she didn't need two people hate her guts in one night.

"Then I told Jo and she hates me now." Lily said sniffling as she leaned into Noah. Noah, who wasn't hurt but just hated the fact that Laurie kissed her. "She doesn't hate you!" Noah said shaking his head hugging the girl tightly.

"Yes she does! You should have heard what she said, it was awful!" Lily spoke hugging the boy just as tight. "Family can't hate family. You love her and she loves you. She's just hurt." He said pressing a light kiss on her forehead.

She looked up at the boy, "Your right" She said and he smiled lightly his heart hurt. "Now. I was thinking of a right time to ask you this but, he pulled out a ring from the his dresser. Lillian Alburn March, while you make me the happiest man alive, and marry me?" He spoke.

"Yes!" She exclaimed, her eyes widening in shock, happy, her tears falling, but now they were happy. The two kissed and then cuddled the night away, a boy with brown hair, not seeping into her brain at all.
authors note!

𝐒𝐔𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐎𝐖𝐄𝐑, laurie laurence. Where stories live. Discover now