Bad things happen

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Chapter 23 Aelin:

We set up a schedule. We took turns taking a watch in Erawail, trying to find any more clues. Our main goal was to find out which brother we were fighting, and to spot our children. But a week passed with no luck. Until one day.

It was my turn in watch. I was walking back to the abandoned plaza to create the portal when I scented it.

Nehemia and Ianthe.

I bolted, following the scent. It led me to a dead end where Ianthe was holding Nehemia with a smirk.

Nehemia had a look of terror on her face.

"Didn't think you'd fall for the same trick twice Aelin,"

Before I could make sense of it all, something hit me in the back of my head and everything went black.


Shit. I had been following Aelin as she patrolled the area so I saw her mad dash. And all I could say was shit.

Princess Ianthe had a young girl with her, and while she distracted Aelin, Lord Tamlin knocked her out from behind.

I couldn't put this off any longer. There was nothing I could do to help her, but I could warn Rowan and the others. I had enough information, and they needed to know.

So I made my way towards the abandoned plaza and took the paper of Wyrdmarks out of my pocket.

I drew my knife, cut my finger, and began to draw.


I paced around the living room. Aelin should be back by now. I couldn't feel any signs of mortal danger from the mating bond, but it wasn't that reliable since she was in the other dimension.

Finally a portal appeared in the living room. There she was. I sighed and Fenrys (Who was going on the next patrol) smirked.

But it wasn't Aelin who stepped out.

Fenrys made a noise somewhere between a dying walrus and a dying dog. He flung himself at him with a sob.

I only said one word. "Connall."

Fenrys's legs gave out and he fell to his knees. He hugged his brother's legs as if he couldn't bear to let him go.

We stared at him in shock. Conflicting emotions raced across Connall's face and settled on determination.

He knelt down and hugged Fenrys, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. But I can't explain now, I came to warn you. They took Aelin."

My heart stopped then started again. "What."

"They took her."

I motioned for him to wait and called the others to the room. They all looked shocked to see him.

Then he started his explanation. "Since that day Aelin and her," he pointed at Feyre, who told him her name. "Since the day Aelin and Feyre came to my shop I've been keeping an eye out. I've been scouting for clues and useful things for you to know, in hopes that you would let me come back." He paused then continued. "Princess Ianthe had a young girl, with your hair Rowan, at the end of an alleyway. Lorn Tamlin came from behind and knocked her out, there was nothing I could do but I can straight here."

Nehemia. "They used Nehemia as bait. Those bastards!"

Connall looked confused. "Who's Nehemia?"

"My daughter. That's the reason we're here in the first place. We figured out that while Erawan was fighting us, one of the other brothers was fighting in this world as the King of Hybern. The 3rd brother wants revenge on us, and has kidnapped our children."

Connall paled. "Well that's shittier than I thought. Feyre, who are you that a Valg king would want your child?"

"I am high lady of night court."

He bolted up and bowed. "My lady! I'm sorry for the disrespect"

"Oh sit down,"

He nodded and sat. "I have some information I think you would like to hear. The third brother is king Orcus. He cared a lot for his brothers and that's probably why he's going to these extremes. Princess Ianthe was Mantyx's daughter and he took her in. She is his most loyal helper and does all his dirty work. Lord Tamlin also works for him as well as that traitorous bastard Vaughan."

That was a lot of information, "that's great. Thank you for telling us. Orcus was the oldest and most powerful of the Valg if I'm not mistaken. So we're in trouble."

Canal looked down, "if you would allow it, I would like to help you. I have acquaintances in Erawail that I could find information from."

I could only guess what he was feeling right now. I kind of felt bad for the poor male.

"Of course you can help us."

We created another portal and entered Erawail. We shouted out the area and tried to find Aelin. We came to the conclusion that the castle was the only place she could be kept.

As I stood on the roof of a house I sighed in frustration. We needed a better view. So I changed into my hawk form. I flew past the windows. Sure it was risky but we weren't getting anywhere playing it safe.

Then I spotted something that caused my blood to run cold.

In one of the room ps there was an all too familiar coffin.

Meanwhile with Fenrys:

I stared at Connal, not daring to believe it was him. I began to soak but he shushed me,

"Listen Fenrys, I'm so so sorry. For all of it. Near the end I realized how wrong things were. But there was nothing I could do about it. That day, I didn't mean anything I said. I knew what she planned to do, that she was going to make me kill myself. I had hoped if I pleased her she would spare my life. But she didn't."

I sobbed and hugged him tightly. "How? How are you here? Alive?"

Connall tentatively hugged me back. "When I died, she grabbed my soul through the blood oath, she trapped me in her mind. I'm honestly not sure how it worked but I'm not complaining. Then when she died I knew it would be the end of me. So as my spirit left the confinement of her mind I did the first thing I thought of. I world walked. And I ended up in Erawail." He tightened his grip on me. "Since that day my power has diminished, now I can only winnow short distances. But maybe now that we're together, things will go back to the way they were."

I didn't reply, only clutched him as if he would disappear at any moment. My brother was finally with me again.


It was dark. I couldn't see anything. I tried using my magic but only pain came of it.

I moved my hands to the sides to feel where I was. Wherever I was it was small, and smooth. Metal.

I had cuffs on my legs and hands. And I could feel a mask in my face. As I sat in darkness I realized what the metal was. Iron.

And that I wasn't in a place, but a thing.

A coffin.

No, this couldn't be real. I couldn't be back here. I had escaped. Right?

I pounded my fists against the lid to no avail. I was stuck. Again.

Or was it still? Had I ever been rescued in the first place? Or was that another one of Maeve's mind tricks? Did she know where the keys were?

Had I let everyone down? What year was it? How old was I? Did I have children? I started to panic. This couldn't be real.

As I pounded my fists against the lid over and over again I repeated my mantra.

Not real. Not real. Not real

I know it's not the best chapter, and there are too many perspective changes, but whatever.   Things are finally happening.

Also I'll be putting my My Hero Academia fanfiction here in Wattpad soon so you can  read that if you want, or not.

Either way I hope you enjoyed!

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