Without You

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Hey! It's me again- I think this line is now starting to get old, don't you think? I've used it a lot in all my books and I think it should stop, but then is kind of my introduction speech. Anyways, welcome to "Without You" Earthlings who pressed this red button, I'm glad you joined the bus before it left for planet Mars because this ride is quite different from all the other rides, which I'm not going to spoil this time and save it for when you read the entire story.

This book is a one-chapter story but what I intend to pass across is meaningful. The plot I used is common, but it's told my way as this month and last month haven't actually been good and I've been barely surviving this depression and I guess because of that I poured it on this short story, Without You. It's a sweet story, but short ( I wish I could make it big, but no, not this time. THIS IS THE ENDING OF THE STORY.) I've just been in the mood to bring out this feeling of raw love inside a book of mine, even though I'm already doing that in Rewrite The Stars, but there's something I want to share out there with you guys. The chapter is divided into four stages, stages which Daphne goes through. So read at your own risk, because this book, this book is full of sadness. I don't know about you, but I was in tears while writing the first part.



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Depression is a state of low mood and aversion to activity. - Wikipedia

I FIND MYSELF drowning deep in the ocean. I cannot flail my arm to fight for my life as I am frozen, lolled by the mystical movement of the sea seducing me to unconsciousness. I cannot breathe. I am desperate for air to reach my lungs, but the more I try to fight it, the faster my body is to succumb to the water.

Deep echoes reverberate in my ears and I am encased with fear and agony, even though what passes through my ear is incomprehensible jargon.

I knew I was going to die because there was no way out of this. I had dug myself a hole and this was the result of my labor. I felt defenseless and scared of what was going to happen. When I thought of this, I had not taken the time to process it well, and instead, I let my emotion sweep me by the feet and now I was falling into a world, completely unknown, a black abyss.


Before any of this, I used to be somebody, I used to be happy, but that was all in the past now. This old song about happiness always brings back sweet memories, suffocating me until I am out of the air, and gasping to breathe.

I should be dead by now, my body should have been shredded to pieces, possibly by a shark or any of the sea creatures beneath the water. Yet, I am not. I was losing consciousness, and it was about time the water paralyzed me into a blackout.

My eyes are big and in a trance. It looked almost like a dead man's eyes once his life had been gutted from him.

However, before I submerged into a whole different dimension, I felt a strong big hand pulling me away from the water before it was too late. A shocked gasp comes out of my mouth, but it is bubbles that I see. My eyes tried to make out my savior's hands and it was... manly.

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