Chapter 13

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A few days later

Today was the day where I and Bella help Jess and Ang pick out their dresses. Tonights the night where Edward saves Bella. This is the day where Bella Swan learns the truth.

Was I nervous? A little. But was I gonna be there? Hell yeah! I wasn't gonna let her do everything.

"Guys, what do you think? Lavender? Is that my colour?" Angela asks as Jessica runs out in a hot pink dress. "I like it. I liked that dusty rose one too." She tells Ang. "Ok, I like this one. It makes my boobs look good." Jess explains. Just as I'm about to give my opinion, there's a knock on the window and a group of guys pass by, whistling.

The girls turn around embarrassed while I throw up my middle finger. When they walk away Jessica talks. "That is uncomfortable." "It's disgusting," Bella tells them. "Exactly, I mean, have some respect. Men are disgusting these days." I agree with her as she nods.

"Bella, Robin what do you think?" Angela asks us, pointing to their dresses. "It looks great." Is all Bella says before turning back to her book? "I think these are the best ones yet," I tell them honestly. "Thank you, Robin. But Bella you've said that about the last like five dresses though."

"I thought they were all pretty good." She explains, laughing awkwardly. "You're not really into this, are you?" Angela asks her. Bella shakes her head, "I actually really just wanna go to this book store. I'll meet you guys at the restaurant?" They nod while I stand up, grabbing my bag. "I'll come too," I tell her.

"Thanks, and we'll see you both in a minute." Is all she manages to say before I drag her out of the shop.
"So, why are we heading to a book shop when we're supposed to be helping them with prom dresses," I ask, although already know the answer.

"Ok this is gonna sound really weird but when I went to the beach with everyone, I talked to an old friend of mine and he told me something about the Cullens." She tells me shyly. "And you want answers." I finish for her. She nods and stops as we arrive.

The bell rings as we enter and I look around. I smile at the man at the cash register as Bella walks off. He gives me a blank look so I decide to look around. As I'm looking at the dream catchers Bella calls my name and I head towards her. "Yeah?" I ask. "I got what I needed, come on let's go." She states holding up a blue book.

As we're leaving the man wishes us a good night. "You too," Bella responds, putting the book in her bag. When she's done, I link arms with her and begin the trip to the restaurant. I take a deep breath as we walk down a dark alley only for Bella to stop us as two men at the end of the alley begin to walk our way.

She sighs pulling me it the opposite direction and into an empty parking lot. "Hey, we saw you, girls, in the dress store." One of them states from behind us. "Where are you running off to?" We pick up the pace only to stop abruptly when three others appear in front of us. I growl lowly. "What's up?" One of them asks. "It's my girls." The one from before States.

"Woah, Woah, Woah. Where do you think you're going?" The one closest to us states as we turn away. Fed up, I grab Bella, pulling her behind me. "Stay there and don't move," I whisper. She nods.

They start to gather in front of us, backing us into a wall as they all begin to talk. One of them grabs Bella from next to me and I finally snap as she let's out a desperate" don't touch me" and kick him in the shin. Hard. I smirk when I hear a satisfying crack!
and he falls to the ground in pain.

One of them growls and goes to grab my arm when Bella steps forward, kicking him where the sun doesn't shine. I laugh and finish him off when he crumples to the floor, kneeing him in the face. One of them's about to punch me when there's a loud squealing and a silver Volvo pulls up in front of us, nearly hitting the last three guys. Edward and Jasper step out.

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