Chapter One.

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Erase the picture, there's a smudge in the frame..

As I looked out into the crowd I watched as Louie was talking to his friends, he was always so supportive when he came to come of my gigs. He admired how much this meant to me and that made me smile. His friends that he brought with him on the other hand, I didn't think much to them, nor did I think I ever would.

"Give and take each time a little bit more, I always seem to be the one you call" I sing into the microphone, playing the guitar, strumming it softly as the crowded bar becomes quiet, each and every persons eyes on me, all their ears listening to me. "Never knowing which road you'll take, I'm always feeling like a big mistake" I sing, blinking away the tears.

This was an original song that I loved, it summed up how I felt about certain things perfectly, my life consisted of me writing down how I felt in a book, turning them words and odd phrases into lines of music, and strumming my guitar in my room, and here we was, singing to a crowded room. Music was now my life, and it saved me in ways that I didn't think was possible. Whether that was relating to a lyric, enjoying the beat of the music, or just simply losing myself in a song for three minutes, it meant a lot to me.

"Thank you guys for turning up, it means everything as always. Hopefully I will see some of you again next week, if not thank you for coming tonight" I beam into the microphone as the crowd erupts into cheers. I place my guitar into my guitar bag and lean it against the amplifier, turning everything off as soft music starts playing through the building. I walk over to Louie, wrapping my arm around his shoulder. "So, how was it?" I chuckle as he places his lips to my cheek. "Amazing as always baby" he smiles, before engaging back into a conversation with his friends, I roll my eyes, heading over to the bar. "Can I have a lemonade please?" I ask politely to the barmaid who was smiling at me. "Amazing as always Ava, you really have a talent" she smiles, handing my my lemonade. "Thank you Marie, means a lot" I reply. I turn around and look at Louie who was still engaged with the conversation with his friends, I wasn't sure he had even noticed that I was gone. "You're Ava-Mae right?" A voice says from behind me. I turn around meeting a gaze of brown eyes and a figure that must of been a foot taller than me, his jet black hair pushed back into a SnapBack that was facing forward. I nod my head. "Who's asking?" I chuckle, smiling at him. "No one in particular" he smiles back. "I'm Sam by the way" he states. I nod my head "well you know my name" I laugh, looking behind him to see a group of people looking at him. "I think they are waiting for you" I whisper, pointing behind him. He turns around and smiles. "Yeah, it's not often we can come somewhere and not be noticed" he chuckles, his eyes going wide at the realisation of what he had said. "What do you mean noticed? Do you do music as well?" I chuckle, taking a sip of my lemonade. "Something like that" he mutters, looking down at the ground.

Another two males from the group of people who was looking over walk over slowly, standing next to Sam. "You was really good" the taller one states, smiling down at me. "Thank you" I reply, giving them a small smile. "Sam, I think some girls spotted us" the other male says, his hair was swept back into a bun on the top of his head, his eyes a deep brown but they sparkled in the light. "Well I met someone who doesn't know us Pel" Sam chuckles, his eyes coming from the floor and meeting mine. "These two looks familiar, but I'm not good with names and faces" I chuckle, studying the two new males who had appeared. "Well, I'm Jordan Banjo" the taller one states, smiling a pearly white smile. I tilt my head, looking him up and down. "Banjo rings a name" I mumble, looking across the crowd at Louie who was still engaged in conversation, however a group of female had surrounded his ever-growing group of male friends. "Any chance you have any other gigs coming up?" Sam asks, his voice making me turn my head back to the three males behind me. "Erm yeah tomorrow at the Orchard" I smile. "12 in the afternoon to be specific" I smile. "I'll be there" he whispers, as a girl shouts "oh my god that's Sam Craske, Ah that's Perri Kiely too". Jordan gives Sam a sympathy smile. "That's our queue, it was lovely meeting you" Sam smiles, and just like that they were gone, almost as if they were never there.

I sigh to myself, how weird. I pull my phone out of my pocket googling the name 'Jordan Banjo and Sam Craske'. Sure enough google loads with photos of the males that were stood in front of me. 'Diversity'. I had heard of them, I knew they had won Britain's Got Talent years ago, everyone assumed Susan Boyle would win, she was topped to win after all but the street dance group had defied the odds and taken the top spot. "How weird" I mumble to myself.

I turn around once more and see Louie leaning against a wall, a blonde girl draped over his shoulder, placing a kiss to his cheek. The jealousy shooting through me. My feet were moulded to the ground though, I felt like I couldn't move, like they wouldn't move and that's when Louie leaned down his lips pressing to hers. I watch as he kisses her, oblivious to the fact his girlfriend was stood here watching him, acting as if his girlfriend wasn't in the same building as him, let alone 15 meters away from him. I shake my head, the tears threatening to leave my eyes and ruin my make up. I look at Marie who is giving me a sympathetic smile from behind the bar. "Can I pick my guitar up tomorrow?" I ask, she nods her head. "I can drop it at yours on the way home, leave it in the porch?" She smiles. I nod my head, before turning my feet and leaving the building.

"Erase the picture" I mutter to myself, typing it down on my phone as I speed walk home, wanting to remove the image I now had in my head, this wasn't how I expected my relationship to end.

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