Chapter 1: Night 1

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Kole walked through the street much like he had done a thousand thousand times before. The chemist to his right with its outward facing windows and the deal of the days brightly coloured. Opposite a large building that used to be flats now offices. A Chinese and a pub both on that side too. The front bar was its name and Kole had spend many a night intoxicated within its dark grim walls. Directly across from the main door of the old pub flats and a large metal fence that welcomed all who entered into a large tunnel that lead to a pier. The gates were rarely closed and if they were would never be locked. It was a common area to vomit on nights out when the drink had gotten the better of him. Yet something was off. The street was empty it was night time so that wasn't new. Stopping in his tracks he shifted his head around from sound to sound trying to hear anything. Nothing. Not a sound was being echoed throughout the entire street. No birds, no sound of the ocean or even the wind. Peculiar thought Kole not even the old Street lamp that sat in the street hummed with its usual desperation of life. Eerie is the word he would use to describe this, eerie and unnatural. He had spent most his life here and knew it well especially these concrete slabbed roads, hell he even spend a few nights sleeping on the streets mainly due to passing out with drink. Yet there was always noise the sound of gulls in the air, the way the wind shook the old windows of the buildings or how even on the calmest nights one could still here the ocean pat against the shore. Narrowing his blue eyes he decided he needed to go home. Just after the pub was a small lane that went straight up to the old school and past that to the housing estate he lived. He took this way many times as it was the fastest but also the steepest. This way only the sound of his size eleven shoes meeting the ground was the only thing Kole could hear and a large part of him was wise he didn't make so much noise walking. Reaching the lane he stared up at the rather ominous climb he would now face. Doing it drunk was always easier as he couldn't feel his muscles scream but sober was always that little bit more demanding. A crack of luminous white moon light lit the dim lane for Kole to see. The moon tonight was titanic in size so much so most of the craters could be made out with the naked eye. Smiling Kole stared for a second in the silence at earth's silent guardian, before the clouds of the night engulfed its shine from the sky once more. Slowly but surely Kole made his way up the uneven paved hill. The lane up was only a person wide if that many a time he had found himself waiting at the top or bottom as someone else moved in opposite direction. The lane was illuminated by a mere two street lamps and old ones at that. One had an awful habit of randomly going out. Luckily it mattered little as the darkness was only momentary. Due to the silence of the night Kole was very aware of his increased breathing as he climbed up. The muscles in his calves began to tighten and burn. Trying to control his breathing to fool himself into thinking he was healthier than he actually was. Kole could feel the beginning of perforation line his bald forehead. Fighting the temptation to swipe his hand over his head he marched on. A man on a mission. At the top of the lane was a road that went south and north, across it was steps going up to a large university building, many life times older than Kole himself. The joys of living at the highest peak of the town was he needed to climb up this steel lane, then up the steps to the university before going to its left were more steps had been formed towards a broken space in a wall. This was an unofficial shortcut most locals used to get down the street. After that a small ledge jump would welcome Kole and then the town's main road, again going south to north. Here Kole would need to cross then be welcomed by another five minute sheet climb. This time by slope leading all the way to his house. This mental imagine map was how Kole always did this walk trying to imagine himself further than he actually was.  Around ten metres away from the first crossing to the university a sudden unease grasped Kole. Turning he looked down at the street he had left behind. The sweat now trickling its way down his brows and stinging his eyes. Yet he did not blink he could not. Pupils small to adapt to the darkness he narrowed in to an odd shadow that seemed to merge with the darkness. A faint whiff of raw fish tingled the sensitive nose of the observer. The smell wasn't unpleasant to him, he had lived on this island most his life, it's was known for its farming and fishing so certain smells become normal. Letting out a deep breathe yet retaining enough not to completely empty his chest Kole kept watch on the street. Like a meerkat sentry looking out for trouble Kole stood at full attention and as solid as a deep rooted tree.  

Never one to be easily afraid Kole in fact was always a man looking for answers in the unanswered. Everything could be explained, everything this was a fact he had accepted long ago and if no answer could be given he would hunt for a rational one to fit the situation. However that did not mean he didn't believe in God or in fact other possibilities, they however were last option answers as the world was easier to read in black and white. The silent air and the faint whiff of fish hung over Koles senses so much in fact that he didn't realise he was walking back until his brain processed the noise. The yellow glow of the first lamp dimmed and then blew out, it had been prone to do this so Kole saw no worry there. Passing the more reliable street light the shadow at the bottom emerged once more. Humanoid in figure was all Kole could make out. If the night clouds could part he could get the light to see the person. A pain started to form from his chest. It wasn't something new it was the pain of lungs desperate to find more oxygen. A drop of water dropped from Koles nose but this wasn't sweat it was rain water. The night air had gifted Kole and the shadow the cold embrace of a heavy downpour. The island was prone to sudden heavy showers then nothing like it hadn't happened. Panic shattered across Koles body as a firm solid mass blocked his retreat. He could have jumped out his skin hands flailing at the mass. It took him a second to realise that it was the wall leading to the university steps. The fear however didn't leave quite yet as the smell of raw fish grew in power. So strong was the odour that Kole could taste the fish on his tongue and make it's way down his throat. Each passing second allowed the stench to grow and for the shadow to progress further up the lane. Stuck to the spot Kole was willing himself to move, demanding the muscles in his leg to move. Ten minutes at most from his home, all uphill but he reckoned he could tap into whatever reserves his body was hiding to allow him to make it in one big burst. Whatever kept Kole planked to the spot was much stronger than his sheer will to move. The figure was now close to the second light Kole would be able to grasp it's full form. However to his dismay and luck the street lamp blew out. Sheer darkness enveloped the lane and part of the road. The rain thundered down drowning out the noise of Koles own breathing. It however could not get rid of the smell or sensation of his heart booming against his large rib cage. If the light sent on now he would see this humanoid. It couldn't be more than twelve metres from him. A mass of shadow nothing of import struck out. It was bipedal he knew that much but he couldn't tell his it had arms or head. Sheer haze masked it's appearance. Sweat stung Koles eyes and the rain lashed his exposed face. Fighting the urge to cry out for his mother he dug his hand into the brick wall, attempting to remove a brick or stone to use as a weapon. A deep grumble noise bellowed from Koles left and with sheer reflex his head spun. A large slimy hand enveloped his bearded face. Terror consumed Koles very soul and he saw lightning in the sky flash to expose the world in white light.

Three great flashes awoke Kole from his slumber. His phone vibrated with the notification of a new text. It took Kole a second to allow reality to envelope his senses once more. Another night terror he thought. He had lots of them but this newest one was the worst by far. Usually it was a creature or thing siting on his chest or holding him down. He never left his room either but this time he was down the street. Another thing for his shrink to unravel. Picking up his phone the light of the screen momentarily blinded Koles blue eyes as he opened one to slowly read the message. He knew what it was and who it was before picking it up. Titch his friend like clockwork would text everyday. Always the same question, 'up for a walk?'. Letting out a large sigh he opened up the reply function on his phone and started to type the usual reply. Yes.

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⏰ Last updated: May 12, 2020 ⏰

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