"Inseparable melody and tech"

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"Where am I?" I asked. I was all alone and it was dark and cold. I wasn't even in my sleeping bag anymore.

"You're safe with me." Said a voice. It was Riven's.

"Riven? Where are you? I can't see you!" He ignored me and continued talking. I tried to follow his voice but it was hard. It was an echo.

"Forever and always."

"I'm so glad." I said but I wasn't in control with what I said. And when I wasn't in control of what I was saying, my voice wasn't an echo. I felt happy but deep in my heart I knew I wasn't. 

"I'm so glad you're happy, Tecna." Said Musa's voice. An echoy tone.

"Huh, what's going on. Musa? Help me!" She looked confused but then her face lit up as if a light switch flicked in her brain.

"Sleep. Just go to sleep." I obeyed and closed my eyes.

"But I'm already asleep, Musa! Help me don't go you've got to help."

"Oh, then just wake up."

"But how?" I cried. I began to fall. I screamed and then I ended up back in the attic. I was in my sleeping bag all cosy.

"Finally, you're awake!" Said Bloom, ushering the others to come over.

"You were screeching like a maniac. Now get yourself up will you or I'll gobble your breakfast!" Giggled Stella.

"We have a lot to do today." Sighed Aisha looking at my laptop with her hand on her chin. I yawned and went into the bathroom to have some time for myself. I still remembered vividly what Musa had said yesterday.

"You were nothing, anyways." 

To hear that coming from my best friend in the whole entire magic dimension. The one that had accepted me for the rebellious girl I am with bright pink hair and bold teal eyes. The one that would speak about technology with me when nobody else - not even Timmy - wanted to talk about my interests. We were described as inseparable. We were one. But it all changed when she met Riven. I had already knew him before Alfea in my younger years. We loved eachother for ages until I met Timmy and he met Musa. 

"Hurry up, Tecna! I NEED to PEE!" Cried a loud voice. It wasn't Stella instead it was Flora. I quickly washed my face and headed out all dressed and prepared for our mission.

"I didn't expect that hysterical yell from you, Flors." I teased as she ran into the bathroom and locked the door. 

"Neither did I." She said in her ordinary soft voice after a while, still inside the bathroom. Bloom walked up to me with a croissant in her hand and put her free hand on my shoulder.

"Here's some breakfast, it'll give you energy." She smiled, bringing her hand with the croissant closer to my face. I gently took her pale hand off of my shoulder and shook my head, smiling.

"I'm not hungry, Bloom. Thanks for trying though." I said.  That's when Riven stepped in between Bloom and I, facing me.

"But you need to eat we're going through a tough mission today!" He yelled like a proper hero. I rolled my eyes and ignored him but deep inside I knew that I hated having to treat him so badly. I remembered the old days where we were good friends. We were close, I was closer to Musa of course, but he always had time for me. He wasn't so into being a hero, he was soft and sweet and his hair wasn't as intimidating as when we started college.

"Tecna, move. We need to start going." Said Bloom, grabbing my hand and pulling me down the attic with the others following. My mum was at the bottom of the stairs, waiting for us patiently.

"You'll need to go to Zenith Palace for only the king has the keys for you to go you know where." Began my Mum. I shivered at the thought of going to the place and remembered how our wings could easily be sliced off just like that.

"Are you 100% sure you want to do this guys?" Asked my Mum, anxious. Bloom nodded her head confidently.

"It's the only way, Magnethia." And with that we left my house. 

Hey guyss! Sorry that this chapter was really short, it seemed like alot of y'all were really waiting so here's! Please let me know if this story is good so far by leaving a comment and a vote! Be sure to follow too for more stories because I work hard on each of my 3 stories. I've started a new Miraculous Ladybug fanfic called I want to Bee Queen! Love you all x

-Lexi <3

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