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Can't stop listening this👆🏼


Y/n is on her way to the library because she had to finish a write her research essay for her english class. Yes, she is talking an english class, she can have a free period but she decided to take it so she can also help students if they are having trouble. 

She got to the library and and went to the computer to research her topic, she decided to write it on Mythical Creatures (A/n: Good Mythical Morning anyone?) which she used to love reading about as a kid. 

Her favorites were Unicorns, witches, and werewolves. (A/n: Unicorns are real!) So she searches up and finds not that much but enough to keep her interested and to her liking. 

She is seating alone in the library other than the librarian siting at the front desk. She is too emerged into the information that she does not notice that someone has sat next to her. "What are you doing?" Y/n jumps and lets out a low yelp. She puts a hand over where her heart is located, "You scared me!" she whispered-yelled. "Sorry" he laughed. "What are you doing," he gets closer to the screen to read, "searching on mythical creatures?" he finishes. "For a research essay for my english class. Doesn't matter about what, just have something." she mentions. 

"Ah~" he said while doing the 'okay' sign with his hands. "What brings you here?" Y/n asks. "I was suppose to get tutored but they canceled on me." he said with a small smile. "What subject are you having trouble in?" "uhh... English" he says embarrassed. "ahaha, what a coincidence. I mean...I can help...you if you...want?" Y/n offers. "Really?! If you have the time." he says happily. "Yea, I'll just tell my english teacher I'm tutoring you and I can get my credits from that." "Alright!" he says cheerful. Y/n laughs at his excitement. "Are you that happy you are getting tutored?" he says chuckling. "If it is with you, yea it is." Y/n blushes at his statement. 

Y/n let out a nervous laugh, "uh, okay." "Where should we meet?" she asked. "umm, idk" he shrugged his shoulders. "We can study at my place?" Jimin nods in agreement. 

~Time Skip~

The both arrived at Y/n house, "it's a nice day want to study outside?" asked Y/n. "Sounds good." Jimin gives her a smile. So on the porch of the house there is a small table with only two chairs, how convenient, I know. So there is where they sat and began to study. 

"So how have you been studying English, besides reading?" asked Y/n. Jimin let out a small laugh, "uhh.." "I won't make fun of you if it's embarrassing." He lets out a loud sigh, "umm, I watch.. thebossbaby." he said the last part fast and muffled. "What?" "I watch the boss baby." he said in a whisper but letting her hear it. She bits her lip to keep her from laughing. He looks at her, "You said you wouldn't laugh." he whined. "I'm not." she defended herself. "Yes you are! You are doing horrible at hiding it." he whined once more. He sighed, "fine, let it out." and with that Y/n busted out laughing, tilting here head back. 

"yeah, haha very funny" he said sarcastically. He crumbled up a piece of paper and threw it at her. it hit her in the face,"Okay, I'm sorry" she said with a chuckle. So then they continued on studying and laughed at Jimin's mistakes throughout the time. They studied until it became late. 

They were still silently studying until they heard people laughing. The turned to the sound and found both of their father's laughing and walking up to the house. "Dad!" Y/n and Jimin both said at the same time. They both looked at each other. "Hello, kids." Jimin's father greeted. "Hello" they said. "Y/n, I want you to meet an old friend of mine and Jimin's father" Y/n gets up from her seat and walks towards them. Mr. Park holds out his hand to shake hers. "Nice to meet you, Mr.Park" she bowed to him in respect to the elder. "Nice to meet you too. Wow, she is also respectful. Jimin take notes so you can to do the same, you rascal." they chuckled and Jimin had an annoyed face. "Why is everyone bullying me today?" he asked himself. 

"What are you kids doing here anyways. " Mr. Seong questioned. "I'm tutoring Jimin in English" 'ah' both fathers said. "Why outside?" said Mr.Park. "Why should they be inside? Your son can probably kill my daughter." "Dad~" she whined. "What?! I don't know the kid." Mr. Seong mentioned. "He's my son" "So, I still don't know the kid." Mr. Seong shrugged his shoulders. After a few seconds of silence both parents laughed. "But anyway it is getting late we should head home, Jimin." Mr. Park suggested. Jimin nodded and packed his things, "Thank you for tutoring me" he sent her one of his signature smiles. "It's no problem, anytime." she smiles back. "Bye" Jimin says and gives her a side hug. "b-bye" she says flustered. 

~Jimin's POV~

"She very beautiful" Mr.Park mentions to his son while they drive home. "Yes she is" Jimin says with a smile. "You are so whipped, my dear son." Mr.Park pats his shoulder while chuckling, while the other hand is on the steering wheel. "ha, maybe I am~" he whispered. 


Had trouble writing, couldn't think on what to write next.😂

Just give me time.

Also read my Min Yoongi ff: "Who's Dominant?"

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Thank You!🙏🏼

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