just a touch

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A/N: in this chapter all the characters are now pro heros. Bakugo and Kirishima are engaged, and live in the same apartment. also i'm running out of ideas so comment if you have any requests. i can also turn this into a smut book for multiple ships if kiribaku is getting old. let me know!//

Messing around with Bakugo is one of my favorite pastimes. Whether it's hiding his hair gel so he can't  spike his hair in the morning or putting up posters of Midorya, his reactions never get old. Though my personal favorite is getting him all worked up in public. Sometimes when I'm standing behind him on a crowded subway I'll activate my quirk on a specific part of my body ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). Not enough for other people to see, just enough for him to feel it. I can pass him little notes or whisper what I'm gonna do to him later. His face is always priceless. Today we're going to the movies, so I think I'm gonna take it a step further.

I wanted to see Frozen 2, but Bakugo wanted to see some horror movie, I forget the name. Guess it's probably better that we're not seeing a kids movie. We walk into the theater, passing by the snack bar because my snack is already with me. We find our seats and watch the last bit of the previews. I decide to wait until a few minutes into the movie, when the initial scare to hook people in happens. I pretend to hug him because I'm scared, but my right hand drops to his leg. As my hand moves slowly up I see him start to catch on. He glares at me, but I don't pay his face much attention. I'm too busy tracing the outline of his dick through his sweatpants. We're sitting towards the back, so I don't need to worry about people seeing my arm motions. The only thing that could get us caught is if I can get him to moan. My hand moves back and forth on his ever-growing bulge, quick enough to get a reaction but slow enough to draw it out. My hand slips down underneath the fabric so that the only thing separating our skin was his thin boxers. My hand rests there for a while, only stroking once in a while to keep him erect. The movie gets boring though, so I turn my attention back over to him. I gently touch the skin above the elastic waistband before going in. I can tell he was trying not to moan by the way his eyes squeeze shut and his head rolls back. My hand slides up and down his fully erect length and I giggle when he clasps his hand over his mouth. He frantically motions to me that he's about to cum. I smirk at him, pull my hand from his pants, and turn my attention back over to the movie. I feel a hand grab my arm and pull me angrily out of my seat. I follow Bakugo's long strides to the exit, across the lobby, and into the bathroom. Once the door closes he pins me against it.
"This isn't over yet Eijiro."

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