Ugghh,First Day of School Already?

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   Heyyy...First ever story,so no hate please.I am only 13 just so you know.Tell me what you think of it.I will try to post stories as often aas I can,but I am really busy with cheer competions and singing and stuff.Just learning how to do everything on Wattpad soooo yeah...Sorry for any mistakes in the writing.Btw i am using Bethany Mota as the "bad guy" I love her though it is only for the story.


D.J. P.O.V

   I rolled over as my alarm clock went off.Ugh.Today was the first day of school and the only thing I was looking forward to doing is seeing my best friend Amanda.I rolled out of bed and trudged into the bathroom.I quickly got a shower and did my hair and makeup.I changed and grabbed my pink backpack.I ran downstairs and saw Amanda sitting at the kitchen table talking to my dad.Better save her before it is too late.I am 16,but I don't have my license because of my overprotective father.Amanda always takes me to school in her beat up old station wagon.

        "Hey Dad." I said as I grabbed an apple.

        "Hi honey.I have to get to work.I should be home about 5:00.No friends over except for Amanda until I come home.OK?"

        I nodded and threw the half eaten apple in the trash.We sneaked by Dad and headed out to her car.Like normal,it was full of Starbucks cups and McDonald's wrappers.We started driving to school when Amanda turned to me at a red light.

        "So I heard from Gabriela that there is this new guy at our school,and he is really cute and blonde and has dimples and tall and strong and-"

        "Amanda!Calm down,OK?Its just a boy and we haven't even met him yet."

        The car behind us honked making us both jump.We drove to school as fast as old Charlie(Yes.She named her car Charlie..)could go and got to school with just  2 minutes to spare.

        We ran to English,our first class and sat down.The first bell rang and Mrs. Abrams started talking about our first writing assignment.Debra-Jane Adams please come to the front officeUgh,I thought,they refuse to call me DJ.Everyone looked at me as I grabbed my books and walked down to the front office.As I walked by each classroom students were slouching in the seats,dazing off onto the windows and doors,wishing they could be at the beach.

        I walked into the office and saw him.God,he is perfect..Mentally slapping myself in the face I came back to reality.I think this was the boy Amanda was talking about.

        "So,sorry to take you out of your first class,but I want you to meet Ross Lynch.He moved here from L.A.I wanted you to show him around the school since he has the same schedule as you."He smiled at me and nudged Ross in front of him,then walked back into his office.

        "Hi I am Ross,which I guess you already know that.So..."He awkwardly rocked back and forth on his feet waiting for me to say something.

        I motioned for him to follow me and walked out.I turned around to make sure he was coming.He put both his straps on his shoulders.He was probably the only person I know who does that,but it was so cute.I showed him all our classes and we didn't really talk that much.I wanted to say something but didn't know what to say.

        "You know,you're really pretty.Do you have a boyfriend?"He winked at me and I turned beat red.I have never been winked at by a boy,let alone told I was pretty.I didn't know what to say so I just mumbled a no and walked faster in front of him.

Ross P.O.V.

God.This girl is perfect.I gotta tell her."You know,you're really pretty.Do you have a boyfriend?".I winked at her and she turned really red.I think I heard a no,but not positive.She walked a lot faster.I could tell she was embarrassed and probably hates me now.Crap,Ross.

        "I am so sorry if I upset you.Are you mad at me?"I felt kinda stupid asking a girl I just met if she was mad at me.

        "No.It's just-Never mind...I can't tell you about my family.I just met you."She looked into my eyes when she told me that and I about melted.I stopped her and gently grabbed onto her face.I looked straight into her eyes.

        "You can tell me anything.I promise I won't judge or tell anyone."


"You can tell me anything.I promise I won't judge or tell anyone."I felt my face going red.

"O-o-ok-k.."I stuttered out.Surprisingly no teachers have walked by.Ross starred into my eyes and started to lean in.When he was about a centimeter away from my lips,the bell rang signaling 2nd period.He turned red and stepped away from me.Luckily we both had study hall so I could still show him around the school.We finished and went to 3rd period.

        The rest of the school day went by faster than I thought it would.I sat next to Ross in all my classes and Amanda looked back and winked and started making little kissy faces and hearts with her hands at me.I playfully frowned at her but she got the point to stop.I looked over at Ross to see if he saw it.He was looking at the board,but I think he saw it.

        Of course,Ross's locker was right next to mine,since we could pick our lockers because other than teachers,I am the only one Ross knows here.We were talking after school and decided to meet for lunch Saturday at Starbucks.As we were walking out of the school,Bethany waltzed right in between Ross and I.Ugh,Bethany Mota.I have never liked her.She thinks she  is so perfect with her rich family,and dimples,and pretty brown wavy hair.Ross's eyes lit up when he saw her.Oh.No.

        "Hi cutie.What's your name?"He turned red and smiled at her."Ross Lynch.What's your's?"He asked.

        "Bethany.Want to go to the movies with me tonight?There is this horror film I have been wanting to see but was too scared.I thought maybe you could come a protect me."She batted her eye lashes and winked at him.He turned even more red and I rolled my eyes.I knew she hated me and the feelings were mutual."Uh y-yeah.I will pick you up at 7:00."He said."8:00." She winked and walked away.

        "Did you see her?"He looked at me and started smiling really big."Uh,yeah.I was here,wasn't I?"I sarcastly said to him.His eyes grew big and he took a step back."Calm down..I was just asking.""Sorry..It's just-She has always hated me.And anyways I thought what we had Saturday was a-..Never mind,."

        "A what?"He asked gently.I took in a deep breath and said it."A date..."Oh.Well,do you want it to be?"I looked up into his eyes, since he was at least a head maybe two taller than me,and got up on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck.He bent down a little and look into my eyes too.We both leaned in and -

Ugh,Why do stupid bells keep interrupting us? We looked over and saw what I thought was Ross"s dad.He kissed me on the cheek and waved goodbye as he walked to his dad's car.I waved back and smiled at him.You know,I am starting to like this Ross.

Heyyy..Sorry this chapter was kinda slow.It will get better next chapter I promise.And again I love Bethany mota I am only using her for the story..Tell me what you think!


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