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Mark didn't think much about the incident. Although he actually lied to himself that he felt nothing, when in fact, his body was filled with butterflies. Butterflies and terror because of what happened. He was in a relationship, not with Jinyoung, but with Jackson, and because of that he secretly felt bad.

He felt the need to tell Jackson that, because after all, the kiss wasn't his fault. But then again, he did nothing when their lips met. He just watched in amazement and scenes rolled through his head. He needed to push him away, he needed to give him an ear ful on how not to disturb his personal space. But he didn't, which left him in doubt even now, he hated himself for what had happened.

He didn't need to think this much, it really wasn't good for his health. Because, although he taught himself not to hurry, and not to react automatically, and after that not to beat his head whether he did the right thing or not, now bugs appeared that hindered him in that.

He sat alone in the room, watching his phone and the game on it. For a week now, he had been trying to divert his thoughts from what had been, and as time went on, he succeeded. But, also, in order not to think, he also distanced himself from Jackson. Because he felt guilty near him, and he knew that Jackson noticed that, although he did not make any suggestions to him. He let him have his time.

But the iciness was felt between them. It felt like they were walking on ice that was about to break. Although, Mark hoped that wasn't the case and that he was thinking too much.

Something that might have comforted him was one night, when Jackson found refuge in his bed after a strong storm began and loud thunder was heard. His boyfriend was afraid of that, and he was too cute as he hid his head in Mark's chest and hugged him tightly. Out of necessity, Mark gave him a few kisses on the forehead and then on the lips to calm him down. He felt the warmth after that, which was another reason to forget what had happened to Jinyoung.

Well it was a calm evening, and Mark had forgotten about the kiss. What a relief he felt with that fact as he finally thought he can relax. Maybe he could if there was not a feeling of lingering butterflies in his stomach at the thought of the kiss. He didn't want to admit things he was afraid of, mainly because more than one people will suffer if he does.

So he kept quiet, wrapping a blanket around himself and playing a game on the phone. His black hair messy, and sprawled over his forehead as he wore one of larger Jackson's shirt. He was cold and thought it would be nice if Jackson agreed for them to cuddle or if he brought a heater in their room. His head snapped up when Jackson entered the room, despite his messy hair and wet clothes from the rain, he too wore gloomy expression upon his face.

"Where were you?" Mark questioned with eyebrows cocked up in surprise. Sitting legs crossed against the sheets to better observe his boyfriend.

"Out." He replied simply, taking off his soaked hoodie and putting on some dry shirt before changing completely.

"Obviously? But where? Besides what's with the face?" He asked with frown engraved between his eyebrows, Jackson rubbed his hair with dry towel still wearing the same expression. Locking his eyes with Mark who was more confused.

"Mark... do you have something to tell me?" He suddenly asked, voice low and concerned maybe, Mark couldn't quite pin point as he narrowed his eyes. Something to tell him? What exactly?

"Yes. You looks like adorable puppy." So he joked, giggle escaping his throat but Jackson's face only grew more serious and disappointed.

"I'm serious." He remarked.

"I am to. What do you exactly expect me to tell you?" Asked Mark confused and slightly unsure of the situation. But his voice firm and determined.

"You know."

The Melody Of The Heart [Markjin] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now